Sam One-Shot (finally..)

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You're an Angel Of the Lord and Cas' closest angel friend and he wants you to meet the Winchesters.. Sam sees your beautiful (favorite color) wings, telling you that you have found your soulmate. Which is actually very rare, considering Angels don't normally stay on earth to look for theirs. Oh and let's throw in the fact that you and Cas have a fight over who's soulmates better! What fun! ITS SUPER FLUFFY BY THE WAY (or I tried to make it fluffy and failed, either way.)

Everybody and their brother has heard of the Winchesters in the supernatural world. And if you say you haven't, then you're probably lucky. You are an angel of the lord, one of Castiel's closest friends, so when he asked you to meet some of his other friends, you were happy to oblige. It gets lonely in heaven anyway.
Castiel popped up beside you as you were looking over a some of earths most fascinating land marks. You gave Cas a gentle smile.
"Hello, Cas." You told him.
You had already been to earth, for a long time actually. You already learned everything needed about humans and such. You just had the habit of talking properly all the time.
"Hello, (Y/N)." Cas replies with a smile just as happy as yours. "Are you ready to leave now?" He asks. With a quick nod of your head you Cas takes you to the bunker.
You quickly notice two man starring at you. One of them looks like their eyes are going to explode out of their head, the other has an odd smirk planted on his face.
"This is Sam," Cas says referring to the tall guy who's eyes still have a chance at popping out, "and this is Dean." Cas finishes talking about the other shorter guy.
"Hello, I'm (Y/N)." You tell them with a smile as you extend your hand for them to shake. They both shake your hand, although Sam is a little more hesitant.
"Dean, can I, uh, talk to you for a sec? Alone?" Sam asks Dean in a half-whisper. Dean just nods as they both walk away to somewhere you don't know.
Even though you normally don't, you listen in on their conversation. You don't know why, but you feel a pull towards the younger Winchester.
"Dean, did you see that?" Sam asks with wonder in his voice.
"See what?"
"Those (favorite color) wings coming out of (Y/N's) back!" Sam told Dean
Dean probably gave Sam a funny look because he didn't say anything more.
'WAIT A MINUTE! DID HE SAY HE COULD SEE MY WINGS?!' You thought to yourself.
A few moments later Sam and Dean both walk in, except this time you notice Sam starring directly behind you, where your soft, fluffy winds were resting. You smiled a little towards yourself as you shook them out a bit, causing them to fluff up more and a few feathers to fall.
You also happened to notice Dean staring at Castiel's raven wings. You gave Cas a look that said 'really dude?' He just glared at you lightly.
"Well at least I got the pretty one." Cas mumbles under his breath as he continues to glare lightly at you.
"Well at least I have the smart one!" You snap back in a whisper, your wings starting to spread, warning Cas not to take it to far or a fight will happen.
Cas turned towards you completely, his wings outstretched like yours. You didn't even notice the brothers starring at you both with wide eyes.
  "Did you just call my soulmate stupid?" Cas asks you through gritted teeth.
  "You tried to call mine ugly!" You counter, you wings taking a higher, more threatening position. "And by the way, yours kinda is." You tell him while glaring.
  "Well at least mine is strong!" Cas counters you.. Or tries to.
  "Yeah well mines strong, brave, gentle, loving, and kind!"
  The both of you are almost yelling by now.  The both or your wings are high, threatening the other to try and make a move. You continued on with the banter for a while until it was just the both of you glaring at eachother.
  "Um, can you both stop now?" Dean pipes up. You turn your head slowly and give Dean a death glare, causing his eyes to widen even more, if possible, and start spouting random apologies.
  "Don't do that to him!" Cas yells at you, a full on yell, as he pushes you slightly.
  What you didn't know though, was that the table behind you had a knife on it. So when you got pushed, the knife pierces the lower part of your right wing, causing you to squeak and rush forward. Tears pool in your eyes, but you weren't crying, and you couldn't reach the knife. You forgot all about your little banter as you spun, seemingly in circles as you tried to get the knife.
  Dean is looking at you like you are crazy, Cas has gilt written across his face, and Sam.. Where the hell did Sam go?
  Next thing you know, you run into a warm, hard chest. An arm gently wraps around your shoulder as another pulls out the blade, causing you to squeak once more. You could tell it was Sam, mainly because of his scent, but he also kept mumbling 'you're okay, you're okay.'
  "Come on, let's go get you patched up." Sam coos softly to you as he pulls you gently towards his bedroom so he can patch you up. You just nod your head and follow along silently, tears still in your eyes.
  When you do get to the room, Sam is very gentle with cleaning your wound, as if you are made of glass. You could have just healed it, but you love the feeling of his large, warm hands running through your feathers. You have to bite your lip to keep quiet, in fact.
  After a while you notice that Sam wasn't even addressing the wound, he was just gently stroking your wings, causing you to shiver, and you wings to shake lightly. Sam pulls his hand back slightly, but starts petting again when you nod.
  "I know why I can see your wings.." Sam mumbles, blushing, as he trails off. You still can't exactly talk, unless you want one of those soft noises to escape your throat. "I, uh, understand if you want to leave actually.." He trails off again with a sad sigh.
"I don't want to leave." You reply quickly, trying to stop the moan that's once again building in your throat.
Sam and you continued talking, about random things and about eachother. Wants and wishes. Pretty soon it feels like you've known eachother your whole lives. You didn't even notice when the clock hit mid-night.
Eventually, you turned around, even though you really didn't want him to stop with the petting, and you pushed him into his back, so he was laying flat with you straddling him. You lean down and gently kiss him. It wasn't a forceful kiss, it was a caution kiss, one that said 'you can pull me closer or push me away', and you were more than happy when Sam pulled you closer.
And that's how the entire night went. Lots of kissing, and loving touches, but nothing more. When Sam fell asleep you would trace his biceps or chest with your finger. And you made a promise to yourself. You promised you would do anything to protect Sam Winchester.


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