What you fight about (preference 2)

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Dean is known for leaving at random periods of time without telling you, even though you are a hunter too. Along with that he is often at bars, though he doesn't do anything, he gets drunk a little too often. These are your common fighting topics.
The fights usually involve a few harsh words and somebody leaving for the night, but you two always seem to work it out.
Sam is always honest with you, so you guys practically never fight. And when you did, it's about what to make for dinner or who's going on the supply run.
Cas is the adorable, clueless angel. He doesn't understand fighting, couple wise. He doesn't think of it as something good and avoids every fight possible. He has even told you multiple times that he doesn't want to fight because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
You always argue and fight about the constant torturing he does. After all, the screams keep you up at night.
Even though he is an archangel, you always try to make him stop eating so much candy. Plus, he is known for popping in and disappearing at the most random times and isn't always there when you need him.
Nobody ever interferes with your fights. Things get thrown, regretful things are said, demons have been known to die and random combustion is very frequent in your fights. Mostly you'll fight about common disagreements and you usually don't even remember what you were fighting about in the first place.
If you ever fought, it would be about why you steal each others clothes, or who loves who the most. Charlie's adorable like that.

I have no ideas but that's okay because REASONS! Anyway, hope you enjoyed and stuff.. I'll be posting more often (hopefully). Don't forget requests are open! Other than that I dunno.. SORRY ITS SO SHORT!

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