When they see you half-naked (preference 3) I regret nothing!

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  You have just gotten out of the the shower, but you forgot your clothes in yours and deans shared room. You wrap a towel around you quickly and rush to your room. You are able to put your bra and panties on before Dean decides to burst through the door causing you to use your hands to cover your chest.
  "Well, hello there gorgeous." Dean tells you with a cheeky smirk and wink.
  "Dean, go." You tell him with an eye roll.
  Dean walks over and gives you a peck on the cheek before flopping onto the bed lazily.
  "Maybe later." With that said Dean turns his head the opposite direction of you so you can finish getting dressed with some privacy.
  You have just woken up, Sam being nice and letting you sleep in. You get out of bed and take off your pj's and start putting on your fresh ones. You get half-way done, puttiing on your bra and panties, before Sam casually walks in.
"(Y/N), time to- SORRY! I WILL LEAVE NOW!!" Sam bolts out of the room and quickly closes the door.
"Well that happened.." You mumble to yourself as you continue getting dressed.
You are home alone, the boys all gone on a hunt, and your currently walking around in only your bra and a pair of boy shorts. You have the music turned up and your dancing around the kitchen while making popcorn for a movie. However while you were dancing you didn't notice the little 'swoosh' of wings from Cas.
"Hello, (Y/N)." Cas says causing you to sheik and turn around towards him. You get a red blush on your cheeks as you notice Cas looking you over. "Why are you not wearing any clothes?" He asks with a head tilt.
"I didn't expect you to be here, your supposed to be on a hunt!" You exclaim to him. You notice that he doesn't really seem to look away and you blush even harder before covering yourself with your arms. "Can you please stop staring?" You ask shyly.
"But I like staring, your beautiful." Cas pecks your cheek quickly before announcing, "I must go now, Dean needs me."
With that he poofs off leaving you a blushing mess.
You are pissed. Some bitchy demons thought it would be 'fun' to burn all of your clothes to a crisp.. While you were wearing them. Luckily you were able to save your bra and panties, so you weren't completely naked. So now your going back to your room in Hell to get some new clothes.
Just as you walk through the door to your room you notice Crowley there and he's quick to notice you too.
"What happened to you, love?" He asks with a slight smirk on his face as he looks you over.
"You may or may not be 3 demons low. Just saying." You told him as you walk over to your closet to get new clothes.
Crowley just rolls his eyes at you and walks over to kiss you, which you gladly return. It was a sweet kiss, not lust filled.
"Good. Or I would have killed them myself." He tells you as he kisses your cheek and leaves.
You are walking home when all of a sudden it starts raining hard. You rush home and turn a 10 minute walk into a 5 minute one. You are quick to go to your room and take off your drenched clothes. You had everything off with the exception of your bra and panties. Just as you were about to take your bra off you felt arms snake around your waste and a head nuzzle into your neck.
  Your quick to jump and turn around, only to be met with a smirking archangel. You roll your eyes and hug him murmuring about how you were gonna kill him for that one day.
  Next thing you know, you have your legs wrapped around Gabes' waist and your arms wrapped around his neck as he has you pinned to the wall.
  Yeah... This was kinda normal in your relationship...
  Not that you minded of course.
  You are sitting down in the living room of your home, only wearing a bra and boy shorts. You were reading a your favorite book, (favorite book name). It was hot in your house, with the air conditioning broken and it being 94 degrees out with hardly no breeze.
  Just when you thought you were going to melt you felt cool arms wrap around your shoulders. You, already knowing who it is, lean into Luci's touch happily.
  "Com'mon, let's go cuddle." You tell him as you drag him off to your bedroom.
  You and your brothers, Dean and Sam, were all playing truth or dare, and luckily for you, you got dared by Dean to run around Charlie half-naked. Fun, right?! That's sarcasm!
  "Fine, fine.." You mumble as you walk to the kitchen where Charlie is.
  You stand directly in front of her and look her dead in the eyes with a serious expression. You take off your shirt and pants, while still staring into her eyes.
  "What are you doing?" Charlie asks you slowly.
  You lean up to her ear and whisper, "I'm sexy and I know it," before you start dancing around her stupidly.
  "Okay then.." Charlie trails off as she walks away.

TWO UPDATES!! ONE DAY!! IM ON A ROll!! Now if only I could actually finish my homework.. Oh well! Remember, requests are open and I'm sorry if any of them seem OOC, I tried okay.

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