Lucifer One-Shot

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You thought he would understand. Seriously, he felt this all the time. He thought it normal. He always exclaimed his love for you, always showing you in little or big gestures that he truly did love you. With everything in him. Always reminding you of his seemingly horrible past, filled with pain, torture, and abandonment.
But why did he cause the same pain to you?
You have don't no wrong to your lover, Lucifer. Every couple had its arguments, that's understandable, but you and Luci always dealt with it. You both always seemed to work things out, but apparently not this time.

"You can't keep doing this, Luce! I need to know your okay, and I need you to talk to me!" You yelled at Lucifer.
He had been leaving for days at a time, only coming back to make sure things were running smoothly in Hell before he left again, not even bothering to find you.
"I can do whatever I want, (Y/N)! You can't stop me, you're just a human!" Luce yelled back, his voice echoing off of the rooms in your shared master bedroom.
You lowered your voice when you spoke again. "I love you, Luce. I need to make sure you're okay." You went from staring into his eyes to staring at your feet, that seemed much more interesting to you at the moment.
"You're weak! You can't help me! You can't even help yourself!" Lucifer yelled back his reply. You could practically see the anger radiating off of him.
His words hurt, though. No matter how strong and independent you are, you some how managed to rely on this douche. His words stung you, in more ways than one. Physically, you felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest and then beaten with a bat. Mentally, you just took it. You were more accustomed to mental abuse because of your family, and he knew that. So why was he trying to bring you down?
You looked up at him and glared, he knew not to bring up the subject. "Now you can go ahead and ignore me for the rest of your damn life, but I swear if you bring up my past again, you would rather be stuck back in the cage for eternity than to see me again!" You spat at him venomously.
He looked at you as if you were stupid. "Oh boo-hoo, daddy said a few words that hurt your feelings. Go cry me a river!"
Tears pooled in your eyes, but you wouldn't cry. You were not weak! "You are one to talk you dick! You threw a whole temper tantrum all because your daddy told you that we were to be loved more than himself! You freaking hypocrite!" By now you were standing directly in front of him, glaring straight into his eyes. But you were not backing down.
You didn't expect what happened next. I don't think anyone in the universe did.
"Yeah, and the only reason you are still here right now is because I wanted to mess around. You mean nothing to me, and I honestly wouldn't care if you got murdered by a horde of demons! In fact I hope they kidnap you! So go and take your bitch, phsyco, depressed, stupid arse out of my sight, before I kill you myself, weakling!" Lucifer didn't actually yell this, his voice was in a deathly whisper that could scare anyone. And to say it didn't hurt would be a lie.
"Gladly!" You yelled as you stomped past him and out the door of your house, not taking anything with you as you walked out of the door. You didn't need anything from there anyway.
But what you didn't notice was that as soon as Lucifer heard the front door slam closed, he fell to his knees. Sobs wracking his body mercilessly.

You ended up at your two brothers place, you being the youngest Winchester. You just sort of showed up in tears and let them try and comfort you. Of course they didn't get anywhere, because you can't really be comforted when you lose your soulmate.
Currently, you are cuddled up in your room at the bunker. You could hear your brothers outside the door saying things like 'I warned her, she didn't listen!' and 'Let her fix it herself! She was the one who screwed it up!'.
You didn't know how much you could take of anything anymore. You always seemed to screw everything up. Or at least you did in your opinion. Even the littlest of things, like always seeming to forget Deans pie. Or something mor major, like accidentally shooting a gun, and alerting demons that you were there.
Who honestly seemed to care, anyway? Apparently not your soulmate, the man you were supposed to be destined with and have a screwed-up version of 'happily ever after'. Then again, you always managed to tell destiny to screw itself in some way or form. And your dad never seemed to care, him always relying on the boys. Telling you that 'they could protect you better than you could protect yourself'. Your mom, well you don't have any memories of her. Only a picture of her holding you and Sam when you were both born. Your brothers seemed to have the closest bond. Sam and Dean always relying on each other in the toughest of situations, leaving you at Bobbys or alone in some run down motel.
Before you knew it, you were crying. Heavy sobs traveling through your body. Who was stopping you from saying 'Screw this!' and putting a gun to your head?

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