Castiel One-Shot

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Technically this was requested.. So anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! By the way, I tried to make it fluffy... I dunno if it worked..

  You were unnaturally obsessed with that dorky innocent angel. Not that it bothered you anyway. You love him. Him and his amazing eyes, perfect sex-hair that could leave any girl (or guy) mesmorized. He is perfect in your eyes. And this 'he' that we speak of is Castiel. An angel of the lord.
You sigh as you stop staring at the angel and look back over to the research you have to do for a case your currently working on. Cas was supposed to be helping, but he's just been standing awkwardly in the 'living room' of the bunker for the past 10 minutes... Not that you minded.
You didn't notice, however, that when you looked away, Cas would look at you with a gentle smile gracing his face and a bright spark in his eyes. You didn't notice how he zapped away to ask the boys a question before zapping back in.
"Cas, can you do me a favor?" You turn your head once again at the angel.
"Yes, what is it?" Cas replied while turning his head slightly making him look even more utterly adorable than he already does.
"Come cuddle with me." You say with a sudden spurt of courage.. But then you add "Only if you want to though.." As you blushed slightly from the embarrassment.
Next thing you know you are laying on a very soft bed with your head tucked into Cas' neck and your arms balled up in between yours and Cas' chest with his arms wrapped around you. You didn't question it and just snuggled closer into Cas' chest. You breathed in Cas' scent relishing in the moment while you had it.
"This is why I love you, Cas." Your lips spoke before you had any time for your brain to think. You blushed a deep shade of red as you realized what you actually said.
Cas seemed to go rigid for a moment before he pulled you closer to his chest. "I think, no, I know I love you. I know it seems like I don't understand human emotions, but I understand this one. And I like it. I love how you make me feel. I love you." Cas mumbled as he buried himself in your hair.
You couldn't have been more happy, honestly. And you knew the relationship was going to be hard. But you also knew it is going to be worth it in the end.

I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!! I need ideas.. And less writers block.. Eh, shit happens.
~Crowleys_Pup (Sam)

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