"Daddy"? (Castiel x Reader)

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Warning: Daddy kink, but it really doesn't get sexual, slight somewhat dirty talk? If that?

Feel free to request stuff <3


   You sigh dramatically as you hear your phone ringing in the library of the bunker, and you're quick to rush from your room towards the cursed mobile device.

   "Who's 'Daddy'?" Dean questions, your phone in his hand, "Why would your dad be calling? I thought you guys gave up trying to fix things?"

   A huge blush makes it's way on your cheeks as you take the phone from Dean's hand, instantly accepting the call. Dean shrugs, taking a drink of the beer he has in his hand.

   "Oh, hey, Cas." You bout out, looking Dean straight in the eyes, instantly making him spit out his drink and look absolutely appalled.

   "Hello, (Y/n). Is everything okay over there?" Castiel, angel of the lord, asks you sweetly.

   "Yeah, all is swell, love." You tell him, before updating him on the fact that you have yet to actually find any hunts. You're pretending Dean isn't looking at you with that horrified expression.

   "Oh, also," Cas starts casually, "Daddy would really appreciate if he had his baby girl, undressed, waiting for him in bed around 9." He informs, his voice an octave or two lower, sending a spark straight to your core.

   You squeak, blushing deeply, "Yes, sir." You tell him quickly before simply, blushing deeper at his chuckle, before you say your goodbyes.

   "That was not your father." Dean says, sounding baffled, yet intrigued.

   "Oops?" You mumble before shaking your head, "Uh, well, gotta go Dean, things to do, Daddys to please." You joke causing Dean to send a bored look your way, ignoring your embarrassed state as you let out a chuckle, walking to your room.

   "Never again." You mumble to yourself, debating on changing the contact name.

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