Periods (Sam)

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"Saaaaaaaammmmm. I'm dyinnnggggg. Hellllllppppp." You yell out from your position on the couch, balled up in a fetal position.
Sam, being the wonderful boyfriend he is, quickly walks in from the library to help you. "What's wrong?" He's quick to ask.
You just whimper and clutch your midsection. "Saaaaaaaammmm. Helllllppp." Was your reply. Honestly, period cramps suck. It literally feels like your insides are dancing the tango together, and that's not a wonderful feeling.
Sam was confused for a minute before he started looking around. He noticed that there were chocolate candy wrappers on the floor beside you, along with a bottle of midol and the heating pad pressed to your abdomen. He smiles slightly, turning and leaving.
"Sammmmmmyyy! Don't leave me here to suffer!" You yell out to him.
"I'll be back in 30 minutes, tops." Was his reply as the bunker door shuts.
It had only been 5 minutes, but the cramps didn't seem to get any better. At all. No matter what position you laid down in or what temperature the heating pad was.
"Deeeeaaannnn." You yelled out, trying to get the attention of your best friend, only to get no reply. "Deeeeeeaaaaannnn!" You yelled louder.
"What woman!" Was the reply you got as he walked into the room.
"Don't 'what woman' me, what if I was dying, and you didn't come, hmm? I'd be dead!" You yelled at him flailing your arms out dramatically.
Dean signed and rubbed his eyes with a hand. "But you're not dying."
"That's not the point!" You snapped back.
"Then what is the point, my dearest (Name)?" He spat back sarcastically.
"Could you go to my room and get my stuffie? Please?" You ask with a puppy dog look that you learned from Sam.
"Why'd Sam have to teach you that?" You hear him say under his breath. "Fine. Okay. God." He sighs dramatically while exiting the room.
With him gone you quickly get up and rush to the kitchen, well as fast as about a turtle, but that didn't matter. You grab deans cherry pie and a fork and carry it back into the living room. You knew he was probably going to kill you for this, but maybe you could just scare him out of it. Just this time... Like you did all the others. What can I say, periods make you vicious.
When you were finally seated you didn't waste anytime in eating the delicious pie. Taking huge bites and filling your mouth with its wonderful taste... Until dean decided to walk in.
"Damnit! You stole my pie!" He calls out, throwing your stuffed Giraffe to the ground beside the couch.
You just glare at him, keeping eye contact, as you eat another generous piece. "I'll get Cas on your ass. Leave."
"You stole my pie! I can't just leave!" He yells at you.
"Cas! Dean hurt my feelings!" You yell out to hear the sound of wings.
"You called?" Castiel asked from his position behind dean. (I'm sorry I had to..)
Dean jumped at the sound of the Angels voice from behind him and quickly turned around. "Cas get out of my ass!"
Cas tilted his head like a confused little puppy. "But you said we don't talk about that." This caused dean to turn red and leave the room leaving the confused, adorable Angel. However he just pops away to wherever he goes.
"Destiel!" You yell out to nobody in particular.
"What about it?" You here Sam call back.
"Sam it happened! Destiel happened!" You squeak out.
Sam walks into the room and notices the pie, now empty, on the floor beside you. "Again? How are you not dead yet?" He asks with a chuckle.
"Cause I got a moose. And a moose can beat a squirrel. So I win." You quickly explain.
Sam walks over to you and picks you up, bridal style, and carried you to your shared bedroom. He gently lays you on the bed and gets in beside you. Your back is facing him, so he takes his hand and raises your shirt a bit. He then starts massaging lightly your abdomen and you sigh in content when the pain stops. As he continues this you fall asleep.

THE ENDING WAS THE BEST PART WASNT IT?!?! I'm just kidding, I know it sucked. Anyway here's this... Thing. Ta-da~


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