Kisses~ (preference 4)

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  Deans kisses are always special. Whether it's just a peck or a full on make-out kinda kiss. He knows your kinda insecure with him being so experienced with relationship stuff, so he's gentle and sweet with you.. That doesn't mean it never gets rough and passionate though..
  Sam always gives you sweet, gentle kisses as if you are made of glass. When he's in the mood though, the kisses are always hungry, but loving.
  Cas is always cautious with kissing. He loves to kiss you, in fact he's actually kidnapped you from a hunt just to make-out with you, but with him being new to relationships, he's cautious and still learning.
  Crowleys kisses are almost always dominant. He loves to prove he's the dominate, even though you have proven him wrong on many occasions.
  Gabriels kisses are slow and passionate. He likes for them to last, and sometimes likes to spice it up and get more than just kisses.. On his lips anyway..
  Lucifer is in control 24/7, and his kisses always resemble that. He easily takes control of the situation, and you, but of course backs off the moment you say you're not interested.
  Charlie's kisses are playful. She loves to make a game out of everything, make things more fun, so when the kisses became playful it wasn't surprising.

If you ask me what this is, I don't think I'll be able to tell you..

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