Dean Imagine (part 2)

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One year later.
Living with Sam and Dean has been amazing. Of course Dean being himself, you haven't been on very many hunts, but you still have all the knowledge as if you have. Dean thought you all sorts of things, from self-defense to how to kill a dragon.
You and Dean have been dating for a whole year since you first met. That's usually how soulmates were anyway, so it didn't bother neither of you. When he was gone on a hunt for a long time, he always brought you something back. Usually it's something little, like a stuffed animal or a little thing you may have asked for. Other times he'll bring you the most beautiful of necklaces, saying you deserve so much more than what he can get you. You always tell him he's wrong though.
As you were inside the bunker watching T.V, you heard the door open. Quickly following that was the sound of something heavy dropping and a 'Babe, I'm home!'. After you heard that you rushed up from your seat and tackled your Winchester to the ground in a hug, kissing all over his face.
"Well somebody missed me." Dean said with a smile as he propped himself up on his elbows.
"Eh, the bunker gets boring without your loud mouth." You told him with a smile as you kissed him gently.
Just as quick as the kiss started you pulled away with a content smile on your face. Just as you were about to get up Dean jumped up, carrying you with him over his shoulder. You were laughing and giggling as he carried you to your shared bedroom. He dropped you gently on the bed and laid next to you, pulling you into his side. He then placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You snuggled into his side, relishing is his warmth and scent. You could never get enough of your weirdo. You started thinking about everything that has happened since then. Since you were saved by your Winchester.

You were riding in the back of the impala. Dean had his music playing and was drumming along the stealing wheel, while Sam looked at him with a 'Seriously Dude?' face. You honestly didn't mind deans music. He had good taste.
A little while later the three of you pulled into a nice looking dinner. The sun was still high in the sky, telling you it was around 1 o'clock. You glanced at Dean, then got out of the car.
When you started walking on the side-walk towards the dinner, you walked beside Dean. And you gasped a little when he reached his hand over to grab yours and intertwined your fingers with a content little smile on his face. You looked over at him and kissed his cheek with a light blush peppering your cheeks.

You were cleaning the bunker up. Dean was across the room 'researching' but in reality he was just watching you. In a totally not creepy way though. You were putting books on shelves, cleaning up random trash or boxes that seemed to be everywhere, sweeping every now and then when you find dust spots or little specks of dirt.
Just as you started washing dishes, Dean came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. You smiled at the feeling of his touch, and continued washing and drying dishes.
When you finished the last few cups, Dean turned you so you were facing him. He used his hand to caress your cheek and just stared into your eyes. After a few moments he bent his head down and lightly kissed your lips. You, wanting more than just a peck, wrapped your arms around his neck. Dean, catching on to you, wrapped his arms around your waist while sliding his hands into your back pockets, using his grip to pull you closer to him.
Dean pushed you to the side a little bit and then backwards, causing you to hit the counter lightly. Dean then lifted you up on the counter. You spread your legs a bit and let him stand in between them. It was that perfect dream guy scenario.
Soon enough the both of you were in a make-out session.

"What are you thinking about?" Dean asked, pulling you out of your trip down memory lane.
"Us." You said with a smile, kissing Dean on the lips lightly.
You honestly don't know how you ended up this lucky, but you sure as hell weren't going to lose it.

So I made a part two. It felt needed because part one didn't have any romance.. I don't know what happened >.<
Remember, requests are still open and I'll do them all so don't be shy!
And I don't really know what to say so bia meh friends XD
~Crowleys_Pup (Or Sam)

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