10th Moon

621 55 27

*Photo Above: You'll know when you get to it*

Ryan Jr.'s Point of View

We ran upstairs onto the top floor of their cabin at the looks of it that's when we saw all the rogues outside. Rae and Reneé were out first as the leaders when Ross is not there. They shifted back at the the front of the door.

"Alpha Rose has said that those who leave us the Alpha and Beta will be spared and will receive judgement from her. Stand with them and you will be killed with them." They spoke to the crowd of rogues before shifting back we stood there waiting for them to decide.

Then I heard clanging behind me Ross' chains maybe?

Mom, Dad and Uncle Rod were here I saw them coming up quick and I could smell the rest of the pack I was assuming because it was the only thing I could smell over all the Rogues they really do stink.

....wait....Snifffffff!...huh?....that smell from earlier on that girl. It's out here, it's so sweet...like passion fruit, peonys...sniff...and Orchids all together it's wonderful.

Mate!! That's our Mate Ryan. My wolf Ivan said. 

Where is she?

Over there on the corner isn't she beautiful? Go get her.

     I shifted as I walked over to her. "Your Mine" I said to her as I caressed the left side of her face. She blushed and brought her hand to hold mine as she leaned her face into my palm."Go to my parents their coming over there..." I pointed out. "...tell them your my mate." She nodded at me before looking back at the other Rogues and begging them to stand down as she walked away.

     As I shifted back and walked back to my spot I saw Ross standing there with chains around her hands and feet.

"Hh-how th-those are ss-silver chains you shouldn't be able to walk right now." The Beta stammered.

   "Silver has never been an issue for me." Ross said as she smirked. Her voice now back to the way it was. "Have you all made your choice?"
All the pack members aside from maybe eight men, and two women I'm assuming was one of their mates stayed."Okay then." She said as she walked towards them shifting slowly.

    As she was shifting midnight black fur started to sprout from her skin as she walked over. When she got to them she was a massive black wolf way bigger than her all white wolf which was bigger than me, but not as big as this one. These wolves were complete polar opposites on the color wheel.

     She growled at them just as she lunged for the Alpha. "Attack!"  She ordered as we all ran in behind her going for the others who had now shifted. Her fight with the Alpha was short lived because she tore out this throat way quicker than he was possibly anticipating. I fought my target a little longer seeing as I wasn't as trained as she was and it seemed everyone else took a bit of time except Caden, Victoria, and Jaxon since their mothers were our best warriors they were taught to fight from a young age.

    They got onto their second target while the rest of us were on our first. Aim for the throat. I heard Ross say through my head. I did what she said, and I tore at the wolf's throat before hearing it snap under my jaw. I could feel his blood ooze out of my mouth as my tongue passed over my teeth.

All of the wolves who stood with their Alpha laid there dead at our feet. Our parents, and our pack came up to us. Looking at all of us probably looking to which of us was the alpha. We all shifted back covering ourselves with towels the other pack members brought with them.

A low growl came from the house. I looked back and saw Ross' wolf coming out with a bundle in her teeth. "Ahhh...eeehhehehe." That sounded like a baby. She put him on the floor, and sniffed him smelling his scent. Before shifting back, and picking up the baby. "Where was he taken from!" Rose yelled at the Rogue pack.

"Th-the-the Alpha had no mate s-so he stole a baby from another Rogue pack before, killing its parents our old Alpha's baby." The man said stammering a bit. So that guy was from the previous pack maybe that's why so many of them chose to stand down.

Roses' Point of View

Hmm so this baby if all alone.

We could keep him, and make him our own?

That's true though we have yet to have our own pups we could always have a pup to call our own regardless of our age we could protect him from anymore loss in his life. At least any loss he'd be able to remember.

That's true, so we're all agreed then?


Okay then I said as I walked to My Mother. "Can you bring him home." I told my mother. "Yes Alpha" she said as she smiled with pride before walking away. I walked back with a few of the hunters.

"Alpha Ross...what-what will you do with us?" A little girl in the crowd of rogues said.

We could have them submit to us and ally themselves with our pack.
Way to beat me to it Vee.

I honestly thought you two would be against it. I guess we all think alike then.

It's not their fault they were lead by bad people, that doesn't make them bad too we can show them what's right.

"Those of you who would like to now longer call yourselves rogues, I'll give you the option to join my pack. Once you are my pack you are my family I'll defend you from any others as an Alpha should no matter what."

It seemed a few of them were a little scared of me. But most of them came forward asking to join, and the little girl that spoke earlier ran to me and hugged me.

I guess my pack just got a lot bigger.

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