12th Moon

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*I felt like their should be music to get the feels going for this chappie so just listen please*

Caden's Point of View

We all stood to the right of Rose in the back of the assembly hall as the Rogues came up to the front. They all looked much better even the girl who's name we found out was Rebecca she looked much prettier now.

I mean they were absolutely covered in dirt, and looked like they hadn't taken a good bath in forever. I turned my head to Ryan who was smiling like an idiot towards her....God making the rest of us look bad because we couldn't find our mates as quickly. He can be such an overachiever sometimes.

As the Rogues came up in front of the hunters, and they all knelt before Rose. She spoke to them...

"Do you promise to keep the best interest of the pack at heart, fight alongside, and for your pack members. But most importantly will you fall beneath my rule with me as your Alpha ?

They smiled while looking up at her. "We do Alpha Rose."

With that all of their scents changed to show they belonged here with us. One of the older rogues stood up and spoke. "Alpha thank you for not killing us, many others would have without question but you gave us an option which I'm glad for as well as the rest of us I'm sure are..."  He said as he opened his arms wide to show he was speaking about the whole of them. Where some of them shook their heads in agreement.

"...but I personally wish to thank you Alpha...I've been a rogue for forty years after losing my wife, who tried to protect me even though I should have been the one to...my only job was to Provide, Protect, and Profess to her, that way I could keep her as mine forever...but sadly she...at the end of her life I couldn't do that for her, but I'm just glad to have a real pack...your...our pack to call my home again before its my time to meet her with the Lunar Gods again" his eyes filled with tears as he spoke to Rose. "Thank you, My Alpha" he said before he kneeled again.

Rose walked over to hug him. She may sometimes seem like she has this evilness to her. But the kind side she has which she shows to her pack shows you what her true nature is. The evilness she has is just to protect us from those that would do us harm.

As she pulled away, the little boy that Rose decided to adopt as her own started to cry Vic was holding him and trying to coax him but wasn't exactly succeeding. "Vic if your going to hold a baby you should at least learn to keep him from crying." I whispered

"Cade do I look like I'm even old enough to have one let alone I've never held one before..."
She whispered before I cut her off "Then why'd you pick him up?"

"Well he looked at me, and he was so cute I just wanted to see what it was like to hold one...we don't have siblings...so it's just something I've always wanted to see what it felt like, that's all." She said before Rose came over and took him from her. With that he stopped crying, and cooed looking at her probably thought she was as pretty as I thought she was.

Rose bit her finger, and then one of his with her canines she touched them together.

"I hereby lay claim to you, and bring you into my family as my son. Your name will be Ranvir Valerian Apolune. Just like your name I want you to be brave, courageous, powerful, and strong....to put up with me as your mother your going to have to be." She giggled, her cheeks flushing ever so slightly as he now held her finger.

      As I looked at him I realized his eyes changed and were now silver like Roses'. Showing she was now truly his mother. Anytime a baby wolf loses its pack or any living family member. If another she wolf or he wolf is willing to take in the baby. Which is extremely rare since most wolves,-he wolves in particular-wouldn't want a child that is not their own having a claim to anything that belongs to their other children. But when it does happen, one of the baby's features will change to resemble the new parents features. In this case Roses' eyes.

At the age of fifteen, and she's already a mother. But for a good reason, her reasons for bring him in as her heir is so that he has a family to call his own so he doesn't grow up an orphan. This way he grows up with the love every child needs.

Plus he couldn't be the next Alpha unless she doesn't find her mate,-she doesn't think it's possible for her to have a Mate for the simple fact that she has two wolf souls, and that she's Alpha. Her mate Alpha or lower on the totem pole, regardless they'd have to put up with becoming the Luna in a way not in name. Because she's definitely be way stronger than any other alpha out there-or she didn't have another child period. Then he would because he would be her only child.

Honestly we all figured the Alpha would be Ryan Jr. once he was of age since he was the only boy, but Rose proved him wrong there. But because he idolizes, and loves her so much. He has no animosity towards her what so ever where most people would. I guess that's what makes him such a good Gamma.

He's there to find all, and any secrets someone's out to hide in order to protect his Alpha.

*Please vote and comment on my other chappies :3*

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