6th Moon

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*Photo Above: Rose's Wolf  

Rosalinda's Point of View

*Two Years Later*

"Blow out your candles sweet heart!!" Ryan and I yelled at Rose.
    "Ross blow blow!!" Rae, Renee and Jr. said attempting to say their sisters name. It's so cute.
   "Come on Rose make your wish!" Roderick and his mate Melody cried out.

She blew out her candles and giggled while clapping her hands yelling "Cake!Cake!Cake!" next thing we knew the twins and Jr. We're yelling cake as well.

-After spending our morning together as a family we had another party with the whole pack to celebrate Rose's 5th birthday in the afternoon-

As the sun set, and we were done having our second round of cake. While cleaning up we all sat in the backyard watching the kids play and run around...the kids were less afraid of Rose now that they knew she had no control over her eyes, she gained 3 best friends who were always by her side Jaxon, Caden, and Victoria.

While they were playing Rose fell.....and I'm positive everyone there heard the snap I did.....with our super hearing, it was hard to miss but she'll heal quickly since she is a werewolf....but....all of a sudden I heard more cracking almost like something else was breaking but no one else was near her so it didn't make any sense unless......she....she can't be...she has 10 more years at least. It's too soon for her to go through that pain...that's torture.

Tears started to fill my eyes as well as the other mothers inside the pack. Mates without children instinctively held each other trying to keep from looking at the little girl screaming out in pain. Her friends tried to run to help her but were grabbed by their parents who told them they couldn't touch her. 

Crack.crack. crack.pop. Over and over it kept happening.

"PAPPPPPPPIIII......MOMMMMMMMYYY!!!!" She cried out. "I HURRRRT, MAKE....ITTTT STOOOOP!!" tears continually fell from her eyes, and mine as I cried out for my baby. Ryan and Roderick held me back from going to her knowing there was nothing they or I could do for her.

Four hours later

....FOUR HOURS.....it took four hours for her bones to finish breaking apart for her to fully shift. Why the Lunar Gods thought that was fair for her a five year old....and on her birthday...to go through that why couldn't they wait till she was older, I could have lived with it if she was ten but five was too soon.

At least at ten the time would have been shorter, and she would be able to take it because her bones would be getting ready anyway. Plus she'd understand what she'd be going through Rose didn't know what just happened. All she knew was that she was now walking on all fours with a new friend in her head getting to know her.

Our daughter was already incredibly beautiful....but even as a wolf she was beyond gorgeous she was a stark white wolf, if it were to snow right now I'd lose her. But her eyes would show me the way, they were just like mine but so much brighter.

    She was jumping around howling out to the moon that was now out, having fun....that's just  like her she can forget something that just happened to her like that, and look at the bright side which is probably thanks to her new friend inside her head...she ran around nipping  Ryan, Roderick, Melody, and my legs.

After that the four of us looked at each other and smirked, we all shifted me into my wolf that looked like Roses', Ryan and Roderick who had all black wolves except Roderick who had a little white at the tip of his tail, and Melody who had a slightly off white wolf with black paws ran towards Rose who started to run around yelping for us to play.

Even though I wish she had turned when she were older I'm still happy to know she can turn because there are wolves out there that take years even after they're fifteen to turn, it's very rare. but it happens but for those wolves their inner wolf usually just needs a reason to come out.

I guess Roses' wolf had her reasons for coming out now.....

Something's coming..get ready.......keep pack safe...........keep me safe...........not ready.....yet.........................................


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