26th Moon

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*Photo Above: Scene within the story.

Roses' Point of View

As I walked up the stairs to my floor. I could smell this wonderfully musky earthy smell. It was incredibly rich. It smelled of a dark red oak, warm spices, and Amber notes. It was phenomenal.

Normally I'd find out who had the cologne on but I was exhausted I just wanted to sleep.

As I climbed the stairs I got this strange feeling in the back of my neck almost like little pinpricks of...excitement?.....joy?...I'm not sure but it was a feeling I couldn't exactly place but all I knew is that I liked the way it felt.

I like it it's weird, I felt it earlier when we welcomed the alphas but it could just be the anticipation of the meeting.

I don't know if feels like it's different than that. Why don't we go find out where the smell is coming from?

Because I'm tired....we're tired and we need to rest. We've been up since 4AM, It's 10 in the afternoon now. Sigh. So close, almost there. I'll take a bath, then to bed.....what?...something was walking up behind me with heavy steps. I tried turning my head around.

But before I could who ever it was stalking up to me grabbed me from behind, and tried to pull closer. But I stood frozen. My whole body was a blaze with electrical currents. Everything part that this person was touching was in a state of ecstasy. I leaned into this person without giving it a second thought. That's when he pulled me closer.

I could feel his nose graze the base of my neck, where my shoulder blade met with my neck. That's when I heard him talk to me, but his voice sounded off like he was talking from his inner self, his wolf. "I've found you.....my Mate.....I've been looking everywhere."

Huh?! Mate!! But we can't have one the Elders said it was highly unlikely that we would ever have one created for us. Since...we're two wolf souls it'd be hard for a he-wolf to be able to handle two of them along with my own soul.

Who cares  I say we give our mate a chance I want to experience the love our parents have. It wouldn't be fair to us if the Lunar Gods had created us, giving us immense power. But then giving us a loveless future.

Living without love.....we would lose our minds eventually. I mean yes we have Ranvir, and Ruby but once they grow up they won't want to spend all their time with their old mother. They'll have their own mates to worry about or find. So give him a chance....please?

Fine....I will don't worry.

"M...ate?....what's your name?" I asked wondering how I should call him exactly. Since I know I have never met him before. Even though I had reviewed the list of people coming. Either way I was soo nervous I wasn't sure what to do

I then heard him pause a second before he continued. "My name is Agreus Decimus Orcus, my beautiful Celestia."

It's that sexist pig's, fuckboy for a son!!! You've got to be kidding me. Is this some sort of practical joke being played on me by the Lunar Gods?! I can't believe that the chances of me getting a Mate were impossible. But here we get one, and he's a fuckboy.

This just isn't real....I won't stand by a guy like this.....I refuse to give him a chance....I'm ending this before I get too deep into this, and regret it.

"Mate?...Celestia? Are you okay?" He asked his hands tightening ever so slightly around my waist.

PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!!! Vendetta and Belle pleaded with me simultaneously while they both tried to take over. But I wouldn't let them this time.

"I...Rose Celestia Apolune, Reject Agreus Decimus Orcus as my mate." I said moving his hands from around my waist. As I walked away towards my room.

"Wha...? Your real name is Rose?" He said questioning while not sure what exactly had just happened. I walked right into my room and locked the door behind me as I slid to the floor. I didn't turn back to look at him because I felt that if I did I might change my mind about him....seeing him might destroy what resolve I had.

I heard a knock on the door. I stayed as I was pulling my knees to my chest, and put my head down.

He knocked again, but he called my name this time. ".....Rose?"

I loved the way my name sounded coming from him....but I wouldn't accept him for something like that it'd be too easy. He's not the mate I thought I'd get. He didn't wait for me he found numerous others prior to me if he had come to the pack all those years ago when his father was coming here he would have met me, and we would have already been together.

"..My beautiful Rose....please...talk to me...."

"I thought I just rejected you. You should leave before my real mate comes here. I'm his beautiful Rose." I spoke back, trying to make him leave I just wanted the ability to let this be done with.

"Who is he!!" He yelled, I heard the door fracture from above me I felt little wood pieces fall on my head. It got quiet after that I let out a tiny sigh. I thought he left for a second but I smelled him out there.

"It doesn't matter who he is. So leave before he comes to our room." I said back again hoping he would get angry again, and leave this time.

"I understand you probably want to speak to him about this first. But we're not done. I won't accept your rejection you will be ours...maybe not today or tomorrow...but it WILL...WE will happen...I can promise you that."After saying that, he brought his hand down on the door again very lightly this time.

This time I heard his feet hit the ground as he walked down the hall. I knew he was completely gone when his scent wasn't as prevalent.

Every step he took away hurt....pain...but why does it hurt? Why am I feeling pain. It's was like someone was using their nails to scratch at my heart, pulling and tearing at it. I rejected him I shouldn't feel this type of pain.

I want to get rid of it but he has to either accept my rejection and we both feel a piece of our heart gone un-fillable for the rest of our lives. Or I could find someone else to take this out on, someone who will replace Agreus.

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