7th Moon

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Ryan Jr.'s Point of View

*Ten Years Later*

"Heeeyy! Ross come on slow down you know we're, not as fast as you yet!" She was running through the woods with her werewolf speed and since Rae, Reneé, Jaxon, Caden, Victoria a few hunter children,  and I weren't close to fifteen, and those that were fifteen either hadn't gone through the change or were human.

We weren't as lucky as she was to turn at five-I know its not really a good thing since the pain is really intense from what Mama, Papi, and Rose say- we were much slower, we ran at human speed since as children it's best if we seem like humans so we aren't targeted by other hunters.

      But with the way I see it my big sister is ahead of the game she's a really skilled warrior and huntress since she learned from our best wolf fighters and human fighters. Yes we have humans that fight alongside us but that's because my mom allied herself with a pack of hunters years ago, when she was three years into her Alpha term.

      She rescued a group of their children from rogues the children were about seven younger than me training in the woods when rogues crossed onto their lands and went for the children. Mom was patrolling when she heard one of the kids scream for help. When my mom got there all she saw were kids trying to fend for themselves. Not thinking about how bad the odds looked she fought off eight rogues by herself.  Just because she knew if those were the children in her pack she would hope that someone would stand for them.

    After fighting against them she was badly beaten and bruised but she won. The kids took her back to the hunter encampment trying to find someone to help her. One hunter who saw them coming tried to kill mom but stopped when one of the kids told him what happened. They took care of her, and when she woke up they pledged to stand by her side and join her pack, because any wolf willing to stand for them was a wolf they were willing to stand by. 

    Crash!!! "Owwwww!" I yelled as I tripped over a branch and crashed into a pile of leaves. Sniff sniff "Whats that smell?.....wait...it's the middle of spring why are there leaves here?" I thought aloud.

     "Get up! Get up NOW RYAN!!!!" Alex one of the hunter children yelled at me while running towards me.

     ".....What's going on?" I said before I got cracked over the head with something and everything went dark.....

Roses' Point of View

   ".....Wolfsbane!" I heard someone say back in the direction where I'd left everyone in my dust. What are they talking about Wolfsbane for? So I turned around and started jogging back towards everyone else to see what they were on about. Thats when I heard Rae and Reneé yell for Jr. and telling someone to let him go.

I started to run back to the rest of them faster than I was before I needed to stop whoever it was from hurting my pack members.

  When I got there I saw someone standing over Jr. Trying to pick him up there were other men who had Victoria, and Reneé while the others were trying to fight off the men headed for them. Sniff sniff. That smell it's disgusting....Rogues....all these men are rogues.

      I killed the ones that were trying to harm the hunter children because I knew they needed to be saved first since they didn't have our healing abilities. "Run back to the pack NOW!" I yell at them "Alex tell my parents to send the hunters, and warriors!"

Alex's Point of View

      "Don't worry I got it!" I said right before I saw one of the rogues hit her in the head and knock her out. I told the rest of them to run ahead as I marked the closest tree with my blade and cut my hand so I could leave my scent all the way back to the pack. If they took Rose and the others we would need a way to get back here to possibly trace them back.

      As we kept running through the forest we came to the back of the pack house which is on a gigantic estate made to hold 3 different packs.  I'm just glad the others had been outside training still since it was midday. "ALPHA RYAN!! ALPHA ROSA!!! THEY'RE TAKING THEM, THEY'RE TAKING THEM!!!!" I yelled while running towards them.

    "Whose taking whom Alex calm down" Alpha Rosa said to me while holding my shoulders.
"Rogues...they've taken Jr., The Twins,...Caden, Jaxon,...Victoria,...and...Rose" I panted now out of breath. "We...have to...hurry..before they get...too far...to track"

    Alpha Ryan howled out his eyes glossing over using the pack link to tell everyone to get into the woods to search for his children, and pack members.

    Some shifted, others ran straight after the Alphas' command towards the woods the best hunters followed behind the wolves running towards where we came from following my blood trail on the trees. "...lex! I need you to stay with the others still here and help hold down the border make sure none come onto the land. Can you do that?"

     "Yes, Alpha Ryan! You got it sir!" I said just as Alpha Ryan and Alpha Rosa ran into the woods. While running to the hunters left behind,sending the ones who were under ten inside to the cellar.   Most of the hunters that were left ranged from eleven to twenty. Even though I was younger than some they knew the alphas left me in charge so I told everyone to grab their weapon of choice, snipers, katanas, bows, scythes, rope darts, bladed tanfas. You name it we're trained to at least know the basics but we choose what weapons we want to perfect. My weapon of choice were the bladed tanfas.

    If their is one thing we've learned it's not to go down without a fight.

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