28th Moon

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*Photo Above: Agreus' Eye color when he's angry.

Agreus' Point of View

After the whole talk(incident?) with Rose I decided to just go, and lay in bed for awhile.  I didn't even want to take a shower to clean myself off from my journey here. I wanted to be able to at-least keep some semblance of her scent on me. So that even if she wasn't with me I could at least feel her presence some how.

I still can't believe she rejected me. I know she has someone she's with but....aren't mates supposed to choose each other over....well...any one?

My vision blurred a bit as I thought about the possibility of her never accepting me, and all I could think was how bleak the world would be if I didn't have her. I would never be happy....it would be impossible...she's supposed to be my greatest form of happiness. Along with the fact that without her I'll never have children.

The fact that she already has kids of her own with this....other guy....it hurts.

I wish she had waited to have a baby with...me. I wonder if I can convince her to accept me, and leave Alpha Apolune. If not I know that I'll fight him for her, I don't care if our packs are no longer friends. His pack maybe a step up as the strongest before ours. But I'd risk it all for her...I don't want to take anymore breaths without her being in the backdraft of the winds that surround me.

I shut my eyes to think about today's events....I touched my mouth which started to prickle a bit. But I didn't think anything of it, because it went away as quickly as it began.

Then my lips started to prickle with heat, and pain. I wasn't sure what was going on. I walked to the bathroom to wash my face...my...my lip is bleeding...wha? What's going on...?

I then started to feel nauseous like I needed to throw up. That's when it all came up...black...black bile was coming from me as I threw up. All of a sudden my chest started to hurt I felt my chest and it was damp. I pulled off my shirt to see I was bleeding it looked as if someone had clawed at my chest. My ears started to ring as well.

"Agreus?" My father called to me.

"Here..." I said as I threw up once more.

"What the?! Ag-agreus!...." My father grabbed my arm, while looking at the sink and then at me. " Where's your mate!"

Was this something mate related, was there something wrong with our mate bond....or was she in trouble is that why this is happening to me?

"I-Is she in trouble? Is that why this is happening?" After that my heart clenched and started to feel like needles were coming in at every angle. I grunted as I fell to the ground, before I could feel any impact my father caught me by my shoulder and eased me to the floor. With my back on the side of the shower wall, I started to have trouble breathing.

"It doesn't mean she's in trouble, she's in quite a different predicament....she's cheating on you with someone!" My father yelled, his eyes now glowed red unlike mine when I grew angry.-with that I started to blackout and recede into my subconscious-  The visual symbol of an Orcus, the only ones that ever got the eye color were men of our family. My father had told me that my mum on the other hand, had eyes that went blue when she was became angry...when her vampire was coming to the surface.

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