2. Our Friendship

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It was more quiet than usual as we sat around the dining table at the restaurant.

V's shift had ended around half an hour ago and both me and Jimin had finished our food already. Now we were just waiting for J-hope.

I had been playing on my phone for the last five minutes and was already sick of it. Somehow, I found myself not being able to concentrate at all.

V's words, or rather, thoughts. Just wouldn't leave my mind alone. "Is it starting already... Is our time up?"

It bugged me for two reasons.

One, was the strange fact that I couldn't stop thinking about it. V was a very random person, he could have been thinking about anything. A phrase in a text he had read, song lyrics or just a random sentence that was on his mind. There was no reason for me to be so overly curious and sensitive about it. But still... It felt like those words had reached me for a reason. It felt important.

Second, was the obvious fact that I had no idea what he meant by it. What was starting? Why would our time be up?

I glanced at over at V.

He sat still beside me, timidly concentrating on folding one of the poor napkins into an airplane.

I wished I could read his mind at that moment but no voice popped up inside of my head this time, no matter how hard I concentrated.

"Oh.", Jimin suddenly said and gained our attention.

"What?", V asked and leaned towards Jimin who angled his phone slightly for  him to take a look.

"They wrote on the news right now that there will be an unusual amount of shooting stars tonight.", he said and held the phone up towards me so that I also could see.

"That sounds really coo..."

I knew it! It's coming already! Time is indeed up, I need to do something.

I froze in the middle of my sentence and got stuck staring at V. It was his voice again!

V stared back at me, and I noticed that his mouth had opened slightly, together with the whites of his eyes showing more than usual. He looked surprised, a bit scared and quickly broke off the eye contact which connected us.

I stood up. Suddenly, and so rashly that my chair fell to the floor. V twitched but didn't look at me.

"Jungkook?", Jimin asked, looking confused, which was to be expected since I was acting very strange.

It was quiet for a few seconds before I squeezed my lips together and sat down again.

"It's... Nothing.", I mumbled, "I'm sorry."

What the hell was I doing?

Suddenly, the entrance bell of someone entering the restaurant rang and J-hope's familiar face was seen in the entrance soon after. He stopped in front of us and looked excitedly at us.

"I know what we're going to do tonight!", he declared, voice high and smile shining brighly like always.

He triggered our curiosity and Jimin was the first to ask.

Can you trust me? Vkook FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now