4. Destruction

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J-hope leaned forwards and spread out his upper body out on the table with a loud complaining noise.

Once again, we had gathered at Jin's restaurant. It was a late rainy evening and the atmosphere among us was very down. Jimin, who sat beside J-Hope leaned back on his chair and sighed.

The reason for our negative mood was V. We had not heard from him in several days now and it started to really worry us. He could at least send us a text telling us he was alright or even that he wasn't so that we could help him. J-hope made another complaining noise and the customers at the table beside ours turned to look at us weirdly. Jimin quickly apologized to them.

Time felt like it went past incredibly slowly as it paired with silence and eventually, it made me stand up from my chair. I couldn't take the mood any longer.

"I'm sure he'll contact us when he's feeling alright again, I mean, we are his friends.", I spoke in a try to brighten the atmosphere.

J-Hope raised his head and his eyes lit up in an instant.

"Yeah! You're probably right.", he agreed, a bright smile already forming on his previously sulky lips (ㅅ).

Jimin also smiled and poked J-Hope's shoulder.

"Weren't you the most depressed one just a second ago?", he teased to which J-Hope laughed and said something back to Jimin.

I didn't really hear it, since I got distracted by my phone suddenly vibrating in my pocket. It was my alarm.

Jimin gave me a curious look.

"Back to the webtoon?", he asked.

I nodded and Jimin stood up. His mouth was a bit open, it looked like he was about to say something... But he didn't. He looked a bit unsure.

Don't go. Can I at least go with you...

His voice passed by in my mind. I had gotten pretty used to reading other people's thoughts by now, although it still felt super strange.

I looked at Jimin. He had gotten a bit clingy during the last couple of days or so. Maybe he was lonely because V left or maybe he thought that I was extra lonely because of it. Regardless of the reason, I didn't ask him if he wanted to come with me.

It wasn't that I would hate it, it was just that I really preferred to be alone when working and also, if Jimin came then J-Hope would want to come along as well and then I would never get my work done. Jimin looked a bit disappointed with his gaze directed down to the floor. But still, he didn't say anything.

I left the restaurant with mixed feelings.

When I finally got home, it was already close to pitch black outside. I stopped a few meters from my front door, as I abruptly noticed that someone was sitting in front of it.

I couldn't see who it was but I heard the sound of his breathing and as I got closer, I also felt a faint smell of alcohol. When I got a glimpse of his face, I sighed and crouched down beside him.

V opened his eyes slowly and raised his head to look at me. He seemed drunk.

"Where have you been?", I asked him.

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