17. Can you trust me?

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Last chapter

It's so dark in here.

I can't see an exit.

Who is that guy?

And that guy?

They seem familiar...

I want to leave.


Someone's behind me.


Ah, it's you.

I opened my eyes and faced my messy room. The sheets fell warm against my skin, i didn't want to go up from bed. Instead, i reached for my phone that i had put beside my pillow.

2 new messages.

"Thanks for yesterday, come by and help at anytime! /Jin."

Pfft, so old school. He didn't have to put his name after since he was already saved to my contacts...

The other text was from Jimin.

"Jungkook-ah ~ Don't forget to eat and take care of yourself. ^ - ^"

So typical him.

I sat up in my bed and took a mouthful of water from the glass standing on the floor beside my bed.

I then walked up to the computer and turned it on. When i logged in i was, not unexpextedly, met with the mean comments from before and they were increasing.

"Yaaah, how do you have the energy for continuing writing these kinds of comments.", i said to myself and leaned back in my chair.

I looked out the window.

It looked gray outside.

So annoying.

So boring.

I turned to the comments again and scrolled through them briefly, they looked about as same as before. Except for a few more rumors that seemed to have surfaced.

"I heard that he actually is dead..."

"He is currently working on a new webtoon right? He was offered more money for it..."

"He's just gonna abandon this one?!?!?"

"You are all wrong. He's worked hard to manage and maintain this webtoon. It isn't something he would just simply throw away without a good reason! Illustrator-nim, FIGHTING! ~"

Eh? This last comment...

"Really, you think so?"
"Ehey, what's your proof?"
"... I didn't think of that."
"Me neither."
"Well, it has been running for a long time now."
"Maybe he really just needs time?"
"Yeah, i agree."
"You can do it! Fighting!"
"Don't listen to the mean comments!"
"Illustrator-nim fighting! ~"

In an instant, the opinion of the commenters had switched around due to that one positive comment.

Whoever it was... I was thankful.

I leaned backwards on the chair once again and stretched my arms into the air before me.

"Maybe i'll go for a walk.", i said, feeling a bit like a weight had been lifted of my shoulder.

I felt lighter, like everything would be alright.

I'll go to that place.

Pain in my head.

Pain in my stomach.

I fell on the ground, my eyes met briefly with his desperate ones.



Ah, it's him again.

"Kill me."

It had gone a a pretty long time since i last visited the dock. The air felt much cleaner here. I walked past the rusty tower, towards the water and sat down. It was a bit cold, but nothing too horrible. I was glad that i had chosen to take the warmer jacket instead of my usual jeans jacket, it was a good choice.

I formed my hands to a small bowl and blew warm air into them in a try to keep my hands warm. I should have taken mittens as well.

I suddenly noticed something white on the ground right beside me. Something was written there.... Small careful letters, assisted by a drawing that seemed like it had been drawn by a 10-year old...

I touched it gently and read it slowly, word after word.

"Even in the end, i'm selfish. I'm sorry.

I'll be leaving but i know you'll be happy without me.

You're strong.

Strong enough to go on an adventure without me...


V, such an odd name. Must be a nickname, right? My fingers touched the cold drawing gently. It was of two young boys, holding hands and underneath them was water.

They'll fall in?

It was impossible to know.

I smiled and leaned forward on my knees. Closed my eyes gently. I felt curious about the message, it looked like a last message or something similar. It was a warm message that somehow, made me unexplainable emotional but yet calm on the inside.

Anyhow, i bet it was a great story.

I suddenly felt a wave of calm inspiration pass through me.

I smiled.

Maybe, i'll try to tell it as a webtoon.

The message's story that is.


A story of two young boys.

However, in my story,

They'll never seperate.

Their adventure will go on forever, because it wouldn't be a real one otherwise.

Two young boys.

A cold wind blew past me and my eyes remained closed.


Ah, it's you again.

"I'll be fine. I'll be happy"

"I'm sure of it."

I love you.

So you be happy too.




Why is the last chapter the shortest one, haha? I hope i didn't disappoint you too much with my ending. :/

There's an alternative ending available now as a special chapter.

Thank you so much for reading my second fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed it. I gained a lot of experience through writing this and as always, i'll take it with me to the next one. ^^

Their love will live on... ~

Can you trust me? Vkook FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now