3. Growing Fears

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I woke up way too late the next day. After separating from V last night, I had went straight to bed but not fallen asleep until a few hours later. I glanced towards my computer.

I really should finish my chapter.

I sat down at the black leather chair. It had gotten kind of warm since the sun had shined through the window greeting it all morning. I reached down and turned on the computer.

As I was waiting for it to start, I thoughtfully scribbled on a paper on the side.

"Is it starting already? Is our time up?"

"The last time... It feels nice."

... Small dots in the universe huh?

What did all of this mean? The thought of everything just being made up in my mind was something I had already considered many times. But it all felt so real though? I could feel my growing fears for a second, it made me shiver and I turned to the computer again.

Time for work.

I finished the chapter around 04:15 pm and felt my stomach starting to beg for food. My eating habits weren't the best, that I was aware of and had been told many times. I stood up and went out to the kitchen.

Of course there was nothing edible in the fridge, why did I even bother to look?

I opened the cabinet above the kitchen-sink instead and as usual, it was filled with instant ramen. I reached my hand out to grab one but changed my mind and closed it again. I needed real food. My mom would go crazy if she knew that ninety percent of my meals were trash.

Guess i'll go to the restaurant.

It was pretty empty at this time of the day as the customers would usually start filling up the place around 06:00 pm. Jin was wiping the tables when I stepped in and he was quick to greet me and tell me to sit down. I did and automatically started to look around for V.

"Has V's shift not started yet?", I asked.

"Oh, he took today off.", Jin answered.

I looked at him.

"Why? When?"

"He called this morning, he didn't say why though.", Jin said looking a bit confused himself.

I suddenly felt uneasy and my hunger seemed to quickly leave me. I took up my phone and tried calling V.

No answer.

I stood up and looked at Jin.

"I'm sorry, I'm going.", I said and rushed out before Jin could ask about what was going on.

I ran towards V's apartment.

I was still several meters away when I saw them standing on the street in front of me, talking. It was V, Jimin and some blonde guy I had not seen before.

As I got closer, I saw that V looked rather upset. Jimin saw me and waved for me to come. I did and the blonde, very pale guy instantly locked eyes with me. He smirked.

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