7.5. Jungkook's recap

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Jungkook's overlook scribbles:

What do i know about V?

• Sudden mysterious behavior, distancing himself.
• Became different somewhere around the shooting stars.
• Hasn't gone to work for a while (poor Jin.)
• Is apparently acquaintanced with a rude short blonde guy.
• He will leave us? When? Why?

What do i know about the rude short blonde guy?

• He's rude.
• And short.
• V seems to dislike him? Enemy?

What do i know about the powers?

• V knows about them, even saying that they're caused by him... What more does he know?
• Jimin has them too, seemingly different ones though.
• We can't control them by will most of the time (they're mostly just douchebags that comes & goes as they wish? Boo.)
Jimin's went out of control. It was crazy.

But why?

The situation is:

• Awkward. J-Hope confessed to Jimin (rejected). Jimin confessed to me (kind of rejected...). I seem to have some strange feelings about V and V is just being odd as usual. Is he being seductive and manly on purpose? Is this a challenge? Come at me bro.

Ah, i'm sorry. I shouldn't have written that (for god's sake Jungkook where did your sanity go).

• Unsettling.
What will happen after this?

• Frustrating.
Please V, talk to me.

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