Chapter 6

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The moment Drake pulled over, I immediately ran towards the door. I needed to get out of here before my friends see me with walking with him. Quickening my pace, I was able to walk few meters away from Drake.

     Apparently, he caught up with me. My efforts became futile!

     It felt really awkward walking with him. I mean, really awkward. People were talking behind my back, whispering to their friends as we walked past them. The fact that they were giving me dagger-glares wasn’t easy for me to ignore. I wanted to desperately tell them that this guy was the one who decided to walk with me.

     Mind you, I learned my lesson: Never walk with Drake, you might not know one of the girls you’re meeting is the girl he slept with. Ew.

     Drake was walking beside me and gave everybody a heartbreaking smile. Girls would return back his smile, blushing like crazy. ‘Disgusting little freaks,’ I thought to myself.

     “They’re talking about us. Aren’t you gonna do something about it?” I asked him.

     He shook his head, “And what? You want me to pick a fight with girls and do those girly irritating yells? No thanks. Besides, I fight, but I never hit girls. That’s so gay.”

     I remained silent, not knowing what exactly to say. Slip of tongue, I might just compliment him on exactly how kind he is to girls (please note my sarcasm). FYI, it might just boost his ego.

    Noticing my silence, he said, “What? You don’t believe me?” He smirked. “Say a word. Come on, I know you were thinking how good I am.”

     Enough with the ‘might boost his ego’. I sighed. This guy couldn’t get enough of himself.

     “Whatever. Now, goodbye, I’ll be late,” I said, walking past him.

     Before I knew it, Drake grabbed my hand and pulled me, making my back hit his chest. He leaned down, so that his lips was near my ear. Mind you, it was irritating! “Are you mocking my height?” I asked him.

     He chuckled slightly, which made my face flush a little. “I guess? I was thinking, maybe I could give you a ride home?”

     Without hesitation, I shook my head. “No, thank you. I can handle myself, and I have my—“

     “Car with you?” he cut me off, smirking. “Yeah, I wonder how your car could drive by itself.”

      Realizing that I came here with Drake made me wanna slap myself.

     Stupid Chloe, your car is not with you.

     Stupid subconscious, will you ever shut up?

     “So, enough with the thinking, what do you think? I’ll drive you home later?”

     “Hell no, I can walk.”

     “Wait, let me rephrase that. I will drive you home.”

     This guy’s impossible! “Whatever,” I sighed in defeat.


     Entering the cafeteria, I took a loud sigh before walking towards the table. The gossip of me coming to school with Drake was spreading so fast. Knowing my friends, they would shoot me a lot of questions.

     People were staring me as I made my way. Gosh, kill me now. I hated this kind of attention.

     “Hey,” I smiled as I took a seat with them. Dona, Maki, and Meg were eyeing me suspiciously. Judging by the way they look at me, I could tell that the rumor reached them.

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