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HUGE DISCLAIMER: I'm not personally deaf nor do I know anyone who is deaf. This is purely fictional and in no way intended to insult or offend anyone. I was several years younger when I wrote this and didn't know crap about research or ableist language. Consider this your warning for possible ableist language and incorrect terms or information. If you are triggered by that or just strongly dislike it I would advise you not to read.

Words - Prologue

First day today. Harry always hated first days. Especially when it was halfway through the school year and he would be starting at a new school. He, his sister and his Mum and stepdad just moved here. Somehow, Anne had decided it would be brilliant to move from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire to Doncaster, Yorkshire. It was not like Harry could stay on the same school.

Harry knew what it was like to join an already existing class. Everyone would already be in groups with their friends and from former experiences, he knew it was hard to find your way into one of those said groups. Add to that the fact Harry was gay, something not really appreciated amongst teenagers. So he wasn't going to tell anyone that. That was the ultimate way to get bullied on his first day at school.

"Harry, sleepyhead, get up! It's your first day of school!" Gemma, Harry's sister, grinned widely from her place in the doorway. When did she open the door? Harry grumbled something unintelligible and buried his face in his pillow when she opened the curtains. The sun was already up and Harry didn't really appreciate the sun in his face first thing in the morning.

"Gemma", he grunted in a gravelly, sleepy morning voice.

"Harry", she mocked him. He sighed deeply.

"Breakfast is ready. If you're all done in time, I'll drive you to school. You have-" Gemma checked her watch, "thirty minutes. You might want to get up now." She left and Harry rolled out of bed, banging his head on his night stand and giving a yelp of pain. After rubbing his head and muttering curse words at his night stand, he grabbed some random clothes from his wardrobe and got dressed.

Turns out he was wearing a black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. Nothing special. Harry found his white Converse under his drawers and sat down on his bed to tie his shoelaces.

He strutted down the stairs, bag slung over his shoulder.

"Good morning baby", Anne greeted her son. She pointed at a bowl filled with cereal and milk, a spoon sticking out.

"Thanks Mum", Harry said, dropping his bag and quickly eating the cereal. Once finished, he rushed back upstairs and brushed his teeth. After his failed attempt to tame his curls, he shrugged to his reflection and skipped downstairs again.

"Just in time", Gemma said, handing her brother his bag. They walked out the door after Harry said bye to Anne and the two of them got it in the car. Gemma started the engine and drove off.

"Have fun today. Try to make some friends, you loser", she teased him when she parked the car.

"Thanks Gem, really", Harry said sarcastically and got out, slinging his bag over his shoulder. She waved, winking at him and sped off. Alright, now he had to find the reception or something to pick up his schedule. He entered through the main doors and was greeted by the sight of a large hall filled with lockers on both sides and the reception desk straight across the hall. That was easy.

He approached the desk and waited patiently for someone to give him his schedule.

After a few minutes, a rather friendly-looking woman with grey hair in a neat bun slowly sank down in the chair by the desk.

"Hello dear, how can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm new here and I need my schedule?" He didn't mean to make it sound like a question, but somehow it did sound like one.

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now