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Words - I

Five weeks has passed since that perfect day when Harry had met Louis Tomlinson. He had taken classes sign language and the other lads helped him out when necessary. Having a conversation with Louis was so much easier now and Harry found himself talking to Louis constantly.

Once they could communicate properly, the two boys had found out they were very much alike, but so different at the same time. They could talk about something simple as the shape of the clouds in the sky for ages and not find it strange or get bored.

Louis pinched the younger boy's arm, something Harry had found out was Louis' favourite way to get someone's attention.

"You there?" Louis asked, eyes shining.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, just thinking", he replied.

"About what?"

"Everything that has happened since my first day here."

"Only good things, I hope?"

Harry nodded quickly and smiled. He then proceeded to make a heart with his hands and smiled even wider, feeling his dimples cratering his cheeks.

Louis blushed profusely and hid his face in his hands. "Stop doing that, you curly-haired dork!"

Harry shook his head frantically. "As long as I can get you to blush that lovely shade of pink, I won't stop doing it."

"I hate you", Louis said, but the blush and smile on his face completely ruined the effect.

"Aw I love you too", Harry chuckled.

"Stop flirting you two idiots", Zayn said with a roll of his eyes.

"Flirting is not the correct word here, Zayniekins. We're bantering", Louis corrected him.

Zayn rolled his eyes again. "Sure you are."

"Which lesson's next?" Niall asked, completely missing the flirting bantering between the two boys.

Louis frowned as he tried to remember their schedule. "English, I think." Right after that, he sighed deeply. "I used to like English, but Johnson absolutely ruined it for me." Harry nodded in agreement but Louis had already zoned out.

"Though it is rather funny when we shout profanities at him in sign language, you have to admit that", Niall chuckled.

"Especially you, you Irish twat", Zayn laughed.

The bell rung and the four boys got up, Louis still staying in his seat and playing a game on his phone. Harry tapped him on the shoulder and he looked up, eyes widening when he saw everyone had left already.

"Come on, we have to go to English", Harry said, slinging his bag over his shoulder and grabbing Louis' hand to pull him up.

Louis groaned and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. "Can't we just skip?" Harry gave him a look. "Okay, fine, we can't just skip the most fantastic lesson in the entire universe", Louis said, dramatically flailing his arms and almost forgetting to pick up his bag.

Harry laughed. "You're such a drama queen, Lou-Lou."

Louis flicked his fringe out of his eyes and pulled a posh face. "First of all, I am not a queen. I am a male and therefore I must be a king. Keep that in mind, young Mr Styles. Second, I am not a drama king. I simply dislike Mr Johnson."

Harry had to suppress a snort. "You're one of a kind, Louis Tomlinson. Come on, let's go before Mr Johnson gives us detention." The two boys hurried upstairs to their English class.

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now