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 Words – XI

“You screwed up”, Gemma said.

“I know, Gemma, shut up”, Harry said grumpily. Zayn lashing out on him was bad enough as it is. He didn’t need his sister giving him shit as well.

“You really, really screwed up”, Gemma hummed.

“I know, okay?! Just shut up!” Harry yelled.

“Don’t you get the hint, little brother?” Gemma asked bemused.

“What hint?”

“You really are thicker than I thought you were”, she sighed. Harry gave her a look and he was at the point of throwing his bowl of cereal down her shirt. “If you love him, you’re supposed to let him know, for God’s sake!”

“And how exactly do you suggest I’m going to do that?”

“Well, there’s this wonderful device in your pocket. It’s called a phone. Text him.”

“What if he doesn’t read them?” Harry objected.

“He will. I’ve been through this and he will be looking at his phone, waiting for a sign from you to show you’ve not given up on him after all”, Gemma told him wisely.

“I haven’t”, Harry started protesting.

“But it seems to him like you have. Come on, Harry, look at this from his point of view. You kissed the bitch, he broke up with you and ran out. You didn’t come after him. You haven’t contacted him for a few days. You haven’t seen him since that day. For all he cares you’re just casually shagging the girl’s brains out!” Right after that she looked at the stairs suspiciously, as though it might go and tell Anne what she’d just said. “I know you aren’t”, she added after seeing her brother’s face, “but Louis doesn’t know that.”

“Gem, you are truly brilliant”, Harry breathed out. He stormed up the stairs and took out his phone, falling down on his bed and opening a new text message to Louis. It took him fifteen minutes to gather the courage he needed to send the message to Louis, the perfect boy whom he still loved.

                To: Lou –
I love you and you’re perfect xxxxxxx

Would it make him angry? Sad? Confused? Or would it make him a little happier, knowing Harry still cared? Harry wasn’t sure. In the time they’d dated, Louis wasn’t an easy person to read. Harry had gotten better at it, definitely, but sometimes he had the feeling he didn’t know Louis at all. Communicating was, indeed, a little harder for them, but it shouldn’t have been a problem.

Harry didn’t care that Louis was deaf. It wasn’t an issue for him. It was, however, an issue for Louis. He despised himself because of it and it broke Harry’s heart to see the other boy sad.

It broke Harry’s heart even more knowing he’d hurt the other boy, albeit not purposefully. Louis only deserved the best, someone who would love him and treasure him like he was the best thing on Earth. Which, to Harry, he was.

“Did you send him the text, Haz?” Gemma asked, leaning against the doorway.

Harry looked up from his phone and nodded. “Yeah. He probably won’t reply, but now he knows I still love him anyway. Thanks for the idea, Gem.”

“You should keep texting him. Not like ten in a minute, but one when he wakes up, one before he goes to bed…. Yeah?” Gemma suggested.

“Gem, you are a true genius”, Harry sighed. “Come here.” He patted the bed next to him and Gemma sat down.

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now