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“Harry you asshole, wake up!”

“Good morning to you too, Gemma”, Harry grunted as he opened his eyes slightly, only to see his sister in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

She glared at him. “It’s not funny, you jerk. Why didn’t you tell me you had a date last night, hm?”

“Oh”, Harry sighed and he rolled over in bed, “is this about that?”

“Yes, Harold, this is about that”, Gemma sneered. “And mum isn’t amused either.”

“Calm down you crazy woman and let me wake up properly”, Harry groaned, stuffing his face in his pillow.

“HARRY STYLES”, Gemma bellowed. “Get the fuck up. Now! You have some explaining to do.”

“Jesus Gem, you’ve known for three years now that I’m gay. A date is not such a big deal.”

“Make eight of that three. I’ve always known you weren’t exactly the straightest ruler”, she grinned.

“Yeah, thanks a lot, Gem, I appreciate it. Just gimme a second or two and I’ll be downstairs.”

“Fine, but you better hurry.”

Harry grunted something unintelligible and closed his eyes again. “Women. Now I remember why I don’t like them. They’re all mad.” With his eyes still half-closed, he stumbled down the stairs and into the living room before falling down on the couch starfish-style.

“Harry, that’s bad for the couch”, Anne scolded him.


“Harry, you have some explaining to do. A date, huh? Without telling me and Gemma?”


“Gemma, could you get some ice cold water? He’ll wake up from that.”

Harry shot up immediately. “Oh, but cold water is really not necessary, Mum. I’m wide awake, see?”

“Date. Explain.”

“Well, I went on a date with Louis last night. It was perfect.”

“Details!” Gemma sing-songed.

Harry sighed. Why didn’t he have an older brother instead of a sister? “I took him to an Italian restaurant and we had dinner and after that I took him to the fun fair here in Doncaster and we kissed on the Ferris wheel under the stars.”

“That’s so romantic!” Gemma squealed.

“I’ve raised you well”, Anne said, puffing out her chest.

“Mum, Gem, please.”

Gemma reached over, pinching his cheeks and patting his curls. “Well done, little brother. That’s what I call a romantic date.”

Harry huffed and swatted her hands away from his head. “Oh, also; Lou’s coming over this afternoon, so if you two please can behave?”

Anne smiled, eyes twinkling. “I’d like that. Is he your boyfriend yet?”

Harry shook his head in reply. “I wish, though. I wanted to ask him yesterday but I didn’t want to ruin the moment.”

“You two would make a really cute couple”, Anne sighed dreamily. Harry nearly groaned. There is nothing worse than a mother daydreaming about her son’s wedding. He bet she has the entire ceremony and honeymoon planned out already.

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now