Author's note!

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Hi guys! Sorry if you thought this was an update - it's not :(

But I just wanted to let you all know the prologue of my new story is up, you can find it on our profile or just click the external link.

Here's the description -

Harry loves writing and drawing. In fact, he loves it so much he could disappear in his writing without anyone knowing. One day, he meets someone new: a stunning boy with bright blue eyes and a smile lighting up Harry’s world. The only disadvantage to this boy is that he only exists in Harry’s mind, sketchbook and dreams. Harry can’t seem to stop writing about the boy (whom he has named Louis by now) and his sketchbook is eventually filled with drawings of Louis; sleeping, eating, cuddling with Harry and smiling. Then, one day, he wakes up to find Louis, his Louis, in bed next to him.

What would you do if the boy of your dreams turns out to be real?

So, if you think this might be an alright idea, don't hesitate to drop by and read! It's called In My Dreams (:

Lots of love x

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now