character - asks

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Words – character asks.
(Q = Quotev, W = Wattpad, A = ao3) (Marlou = author/me :D)
Keep in mind that the boys (Liam, Niall and Zayn) don’t know about Kelsey and Harry kissing and the lovers’ break up yet!
(W – Veronibell) For the author: do you plan what you are going to do each chapter or just go with the flow? 
Marlou; I have everything planned out because I know I’ll just stop writing if I’m out of ideas, which happens when I don’t make a planning. 
(W – Veronibell) For Harry and Louis: based on that what do you think, do you like having everything planned for you?
Harry; I guess it’s okay, as long as Louis forgiving me is in the planning. Oh and by the way, Marlou, I didn’t like the fact you let that piece of shit kiss me.
Louis; Nah, I don’t really like having everything planned out because that means Marlou had this planned all along. Or do you just like seeing me get hurt?
(Marlou; I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I just like drama!)
(W – Veronibell) For Louis: what was going through your head when you saw Harry kissing (being kissed by) Kelsey?
Louis; A lot of hurt and possibly anger. I knew something like this would happen all along, I just hoped he’d break up with me peacefully instead of him cheating on me. I felt worthless, but once again it was proven everyone will run out on me one day. I knew he’d hurt me, no matter how wonderful the promises were. 
(W – Veronibell) For Niall, Liam and Zayn: what goes through your heads when people pick on Lou? Do you ever feel helpless or useless in regard to this? 
Niall; I absolutely hate it and I just want to punch them in the face, but Li always holds me back. He thinks violence isn’t the solution. So yes, I feel pretty helpless sometimes. I know it hurts Lou more than he’d ever admit even if he can’t hear what they say. He understands what they mean, of course, he’s not stupid.
Liam; I sometimes have the urge to punch them too but I always restrain myself. I know Lou doesn’t want me getting suspended for defending him so mostly I just hug him or politely tell the people to sod off.
Zayn; Lou’s been our best friend for years and we’ve slowly seen him retreat into his shell throughout the years. He used to be happy and bubbly but now he’s mostly quiet and shy. I hate it that people have had such a great impact on his personality by all the bullying. I wish it was just accepted but it isn’t and probably never will. So I’ll join Ni and Li in saying I want to punch them in the face.
(W – Veronibell) For Louis: Do you think you and Harry still have a chance? Do you think that there is more to the situation than appears?
Louis; I don’t think we still have a chance after this. I just barely trusted him and he goes and throws it away already. I just wish he hadn’t been so sweet all the time because it gets harder and harder to let him go. And I don’t see why there should be more to the situation of Harry kissing Kelsey. I mean, she’s pretty and popular and he has all the right in the world to like her, doesn’t he? Okay, that’s a lie, she’s not that pretty. She’s still prettier than me though. And they can have a normal relationship.
(W – HiAndOops) For Liam; how do you feel about Harry and Louis dating and Harry tutoring Kelsey?
Liam; I’m so glad Lou has found Harry! Harry is perfect for him and he’s sweet and he might bring him out of his shell a little. I’m just worried if Louis will ever fully trust him. He’s been hurt so many times before and he’s so hesitant on letting anyone into his life. Me and the boys have been in his life for years and years but Harry’s new and that scares Louis. He doesn’t know what to expect. He wants to be able to love Harry but his disability (that’s a stupid word) is always at the front of his mind and he just doesn’t let himself be able to enjoy everything Harry gives him, whether it’s a gift or a date. And Harry tutoring Kelsey? It’s quite obvious what she wants and I don’t understand why he’s doing it anyway. This can only end badly.
(W – Niall_Larry_Ziam) For Kelsey; you’re an arse hole. HARRY’S GAY, DIDN’T YOU KNOW THAT?!
Kelsey; I knew he had a boyfriend but I figured he might be bi. Besides, why wouldn’t he like me? I have a lot of friends, a giant mansion, a Porsche…. If he marries me he gets part of that too! 
(W – Niall_Larry_Ziam) For Harry; babe, run after him! Don’t let him go!
I was just really overwhelmed by the fact Kelsey kissed me...... Again! I hate that girl. But I will try everything I can to get Lou back. Or at least try to get him to listen to my explanation. But I won’t let him go. I love him too much and now I screwed it all up. It should’ve been obvious what she wanted and I walked right into her trap. Gem’s gonna kill me.
(W – Niall_Larry_Ziam) Louis, come back! It was a mistake! Why are you running away? He loves you!
Louis; *scoffs through tears* He clearly doesn’t love me if he goes around kissing Kelsey, does he? Didn’t seem like a mistake to me.
(W – Niall_Larry_Ziam) Niall, I love you and I am coming to kidnap you, be ready, okay?
Niall; Finally someone who loves me! But wait, is your name Anna? Because if it is you don’t even need to kidnap me, I’ll just come voluntarily. *winks*
(Q – Nicole the flower) Louis: WILL YOU EVER forgive Hazza?
Louis; Maybe one day I might forgive him but I don’t forget. If he even cares. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t. Besides, I’m sure he doesn’t need me to forgive him. He’s got Kelsey now, doesn’t he?!
(Q – Nialler’s Snowflake) For Louis- why do you have trust issues?
Louis; that’s quite a long story. Well actually, there are multiple stories to explain my trust issues. Let’s start with James. He was one of my best friends when I was twelve. I didn’t get picked on back then as much as I do now and James was new at school. I thought it’d be nice if me and the lads gave him a nice welcome so we invited him to sit with us at lunch. He seemed really nice and friendly at first even though he never learned sign language. We communicated through notes. Turns out he’d only been nice to me because he was dared to become friends with the deaf boy. After Niall found out he broke James’ nose and got suspended. James didn’t, because the principal thought fulfilling a dare wasn’t a good reason to suspend him. Next up was Tyler. He was a friend when I was fifteen. I had the biggest crush on him but it turned out he only needed to be my friend because he had to write an essay on deaf people. He even went as far as asking me out on a date when he knew I liked him! And now there’s Harry who cheated on me with some popular girl. People suck.

(W – NJHLWT) For everyone who bullies Lou; why would you try and hurt him? He’s just so cute and adorable and asdfghjkl!
Since I haven’t named the bullies I’ll answer it for them. For some stupid, unknown reason, bullying is more socially acceptable than being different is. Different is not going with the flow and therefore ought to be sort out, in their opinion mostly by bullying. This is what happens to me, what happens to Lou in the story and what happens to a lot more people. And sadly, there is nothing we can do about it, no matter how hard we try. But I agree Lou’s cute (:

 (A – PuzzlingApproach) Kelsey is a bitch, but I don’t exactly understand why Harry would choose to talk to her when the previous night he’d told her to stay away from him? I mean, it was pretty obvious what she’d do and he’d said for her to leave him alone.
I guess you’re right, I should’ve known she was going to kiss me again but I thought that maybe she wouldn’t do that in a classroom with a teacher. I hoped, even though I should’ve known better, that she was coming to apologize and to say it was all a huge mistake. God, I’ve been really stupid.

(Q – HisSoulHerHeart) For Kelsey: Why are you such a b*tch? It’s obvious Harry doesn't like you.
Ah, but here you’re wrong my dear. He does like me. He just has to admit it to himself and kiss me back. And I’m not a bitch. You just don’t like me but that doesn’t make me a bitch. ‘s not my fault Harry has a boyfriend when I know he likes me, is it?!

(Q – Pierce Veil Sirens) For Louis: How did you feel when you saw Harry and Kelsey kissing?
 Like Harry had ripped out my heart and stomped on it before throwing it back to me and riding off into the sunset with Kelsey. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. But then again, I should’ve expected this all along. Someone as perfect as Harry wasn’t going to last in my life anyway.

A/N: If I accidentally skipped a question (I really hope I didn't) I will add them to this part later on. But I'm quite sure I have all questions answered.  Chapter ten will be up on Thursday like normal! And leave a comment if you've learned some more about the characters! x

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now