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 Words – XVII

Harry hated school. Nah, scratch that. He hated Mr Johnson. A lot. Could he get a teacher suspended for saying that one of his students had no future? Hopefully. Did it get Harry angry? Very much so.

Of course Louis had a future. He was just deaf, not incompetent of doing things on his own.

Haz, you look very angry. What’s wrong?” Louis asked.

What was he supposed to say? ‘Oh, no, it’s just that Mr Johnson keeps saying you have no future and no one could ever love you, don’t worry.’ No way in hell.

It’s nothing, babe.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he’d said the wrong thing.

Are you hiding something from me?” Louis looked sad and just the tiniest bit suspicious.

Harry sighed. “No, sweetheart, I’m not hiding anything from you. It’s just that I can’t tell you what’s bothering me because it’ll make you sad and I hate seeing you sad.”

I’m a big boy, H, I can handle it.”

Please don’t make me do this, Harry thought. “It’s Johnson. He’s being ridiculous.”

“About what?”

“He’s making fun of you.” Louis’ facial expression became sad, mixed with a bit of anger. “Lou, I told you it would make you sad – it’s written all over your face.”

“Did he say anything else?”

“Yes.” And that was the end of their conversation. The bell rang and they went up to their English classroom.

“Mr Styles, please take a seat.” Harry could shoot him right there and then. Louis was right next to him, for God’s sake. But all he could do was glare and grab Louis’ hand and drag him over to their seats. Why couldn’t they have geography first period? At least Ms Lynch wasn’t a pain in the ass.

“Today, we will be talking about plans you have for the future.” Harry didn’t like the glint in his eyes. At all. “Mr Styles, if you’d start please?”


Lou, we’re going to visit Ashton again. You need some cheering up.” Johnson’s lesson had been horrible. Enough said.

Can’t you cheer me up? I’d rather not have anyone see me like this”, Louis said and Harry pulled him into his chest and kissed his hair.

It’s not like Johnson publicly humiliated Louis. At least not directly. He’d directed his question at Harry and asked him what his plans for the future were. Harry had responded by telling him he’d marry Louis one day and they’d live happily ever after together.

Johnson had written it down on the white board with the comment ‘unrealistic plans for future’. Harry had grabbed his bag and Louis’ hand and pulled him out of the classroom with the words ‘we’re going to skip the rest of the day.’

I don’t know what to do to cheer you up, baby”, Harry said, stroking Louis’ hair.

Cuddle with me?

In the car?”

Louis nodded. “Please.” Harry took his hand and led him over to his car. He unlocked the doors and they got in the car, Louis curling up in Harry’s lap immediately. “Is that really what everyone thinks of me? That I have no future and no one could ever love me?” The hurt, sad look on his face broke Harry’s heart into a thousand pieces.

“No, sweetheart, it’s not true. Of course you have a future and I love you, the guys love you, your family loves you.”

“But with future, do you only mean you marry me and I sit at home while you work? Because that’s not entirely what I see as a future. I mean, of course I’d want to marry you but I’d go mad, staying at home all day while you’re working.”

“Of course you’ll find a job, baby.”

“Would you want to start a family with me one day?”

Harry didn’t even have to think about his answer. “Yes. Of course.” He stroked his boyfriend’s hair as Louis cuddled into him closer.

Can we visit Ashton and Luke now?”

“Who’s Luke?”

“The chef at the restaurant Ashton works.”

“I’m just going to assume he’s nice and knows sign language”, Harry said and Louis nodded.

He does. Maybe I’ll get another muffin.” He looked at Harry hopefully and yeah. Of course Harry can’t say no to a pretty boy like Louis.

Alright, let’s go. I love you, don’t you ever forget that.”

“I love you too”, Louis smiled and Harry kissed his nose.

Good.” They changed seats and Harry started driving. He’d do anything to make Louis happy.

*** A/N: Just a a very short and very crappy filler chapter because my brain was screaming at me to upload. Karlei is very busy with school but she promised I'd have the smut part by the end of this week. No more drama coming up, just the smut chapter -which isn't just only smut, there's actually a plot too surprise surprise- and the epilogue.

I don't expect you to leave a comment but feel free if you want to scold me for this horrible chapter. Love you guys lots xo ***

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now