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Words - II

After the boys all finished their muffins and drinks, Zayn went to say bye to Perrie (who laughed, called him a sap and told him to text her because she hadn’t given him her number for nothing) and the boys went back to school. Slowly, of course. No one was in a hurry to go to school ever.

Haz, do you think there will ever be someone who is willing to go for me like Zayn did with Perrie?” Louis asked. The vulnerable expression on his face broke Harry’s heart in a thousand pieces.

I would, he thought, but he didn’t say it. It was too early in their friendship to ruin it. “Of course!” he answered instead. “You’re a wonderful person, Lou. Anyone who cannot see it must be blind.”

Louis blushed, but Harry could see he didn’t believe him. It was no surprise, since people had been putting Louis down since he could remember, but it still hurt. And Harry knew he had to do something. If he kept telling Louis how beautiful and wonderful and lovely he was, maybe one day he would believe it.

Louis poked Harry’s arm. “What are you thinking about?

Harry shrugged. “Nothing important.” And he gave Louis a smile to show it wasn’t important. But it was and Harry knew it.

If you say so…

The five boys entered the school once again and Harry saw Louis do a full-body sigh once the principal came into sight.

“Where have you five been?”

“At Starbucks”, Harry answered. Liam’s face scrunched up like he desperately wanted to say something but managed to control it the last second.

“Mr Styles, I hope you do understand your behaviour towards Mr Johnson was unacceptable.”

“And his behaviour wasn’t?” Harry had to control himself not to lash out at the principal.

“Mr Styles, I expect all five of you to apologize to Mr Johnson.”

“But he insulted Louis?!”

“Mr Styles, please know our staff doesn’t insult students with a, erm…. Special situation”, the principal said, turning slightly pink in the face.

Harry’s face went blank. How could this asshole say something like that? “Special situation? I see.”

“Just make your apologies”, the principal snapped, face now tomato-red. He turned around on his heels and almost ran off.

What did he say?” Louis signed, expression scared and eyes shining with tears. He had never seen Harry angry before.

We have to apologize to Johnson”, Liam said calmly.

“How in the world can you all be so fucking calm?” Harry yelled. “He was discriminating Lou and you just stand there and do nothing when we have to fucking apologize to that asshole?”

Louis flinched visibly and Harry took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Boo. I didn’t mean to scare you but I’m really pissed off.

Louis nodded but he still didn’t seem completely comfortable. Harry approached the older boy and held his arms out hesitantly, inviting him for a hug, which Louis slowly accepted.

“We’d better go before he expels us all”, Liam said carefully.

“Yeah”, Harry mumbled. Louis looked up at him with questioning eyes and Harry realized he had felt his chest vibrate when he spoke. “We’re going to Johnson now.

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now