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Words – III

Harry knew he had to talk to Louis to apologize properly. Because he needed to prove to the gorgeous boy he wasn’t leaving anytime soon. Maybe not ever. Tapping his pen on his chin, Harry thought of a way to surprise Louis by coming over, before he realized he didn’t even know where Louis lived. When the five of them were hanging out, it was never at Louis’ house.

Harry knew it was because Louis was scared to invite him over, still not sure if he could trust Harry. But he had to apologize and show to Louis he wasn’t mad at him, but at Johnson. The name alone almost made Harry growl in anger. How dare he say Louis didn’t have a future? How dare he say Louis would never fit in?

Harry had no other option but to text Louis and ask if he could come to Louis’ place.

                To: Lou -
Babe, can I come over? I want to talk to you. It’s nothing bad, I promise xx

He knew Louis always replied rather quickly to his texts, but this time it took him much longer than usual.

                From: Lou -
Alright x

                To: Lou -
I’ll need your address, babe xx

Louis replied, giving Harry his address and telling him he was at the correct address if he saw four little girls running around, because they were his sisters. Harry didn’t even know Louis had sisters. Actually, Harry knew very little about Louis’ home situation.

He texted back, saying he’d be there in ten minutes. Harry dropped his pen on his desk and slammed his books shut. Homework could be done at any time, and this, going over to Louis’, couldn’t. He ran down the stairs and almost tripped over the untied laces of his Converse.

“Mum, I’m going over to Louis’! I’ll be back before dinner”, Harry yelled, racing out the door.

“Alright darling. Tell Louis I said hi”, Anne called back.

“Will do Mum!”

“Going over to the boyfriend?” Gemma teased as she got out of her car.

“He’s not my boyfriend!” Harry protested a little delayed, but Gemma had already slammed the front door shut behind her. Harry frowned. Louis wasn’t his boyfriend. Not yet, at least. Hopefully he would make some progress today.

Harry got into his car and drove off to Louis’ place. He had passed his driving test a few weeks ago and Anne had given him a car. It was an old one, a Volkswagen Golf but it didn’t matter. Harry was perfectly content with the car, because now he didn’t have to walk to school anymore.

Whilst waiting for a red light, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, thinking about Louis. But then again, when wasn’t he? Harry was so deep in thoughts he only noticed the lights turning green when someone honked.

The rest of the drive was spent with Harry thinking and not paying attention to the traffic outside which almost lead to him crashing into a lorry transporting something that looked suspiciously like dung. And then, finally, he parked on the driveway of the address Louis had given him and he got out, locking the door and almost tripping over his own feet as he walked up to the door.

The doorbell gave a loud rrrring and it didn’t take long before the door opened. A girl with long blonde hair and big blue eyes raised an eyebrow at him. She had Louis’ eyes and Harry realized she must’ve been one of his sisters.


“I’m Harry, a friend of Louis’.”

A look of realization crossed her face and she opened the door a little further. “I’m Lottie. Come on in.” She seemed to be around fourteen years old. Harry stepped into the house and noticed it was not exceptionally big, given the fact the Tomlinsons had five children.

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now