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 Words – IX

Harry really wasn’t looking forward to today. In fact, he considered calling in sick because he didn’t want to be near Kelsey for longer than a minute. But he knew he’d only feel guilty if he broke a promise. So he got out of bed reluctantly and got dressed, not bothering to choose something nice because it was only Kelsey.

But you’ll get to see Louis as well today, a little voice whispered.

“Harry, hurry up! It’s already late!” Gemma called from downstairs.

“I’m sick”, Harry complained. 

“No, you’re not, you just don’t want to go to school. That’s something completely different”, she yelled. “Now get down before I will come and get you myself. By your hair.”

Harry sighed deeply and grabbed his bag before trotting down the stairs. “I’m done, no need to get your knickers in a twist.”

Gemma glared at him. “I was about to offer to drive you to school but now you can just walk.”

“Gem, did you forget I have my driver’s license?”

“Damn”, she muttered, “thought I was annoying you.”

“You’re always annoying me, sis.”

“Good, life goal accomplished. Now go to school. I made you toast to eat in the car, you can thank me later.”

“Thanks Gem, you’re a doll”, Harry called, grabbing the toast from his sister’s hands and running out the door with his bag on his shoulder. Hopefully he’d make it to school in time, because Mr Johnson would not be amused if he was late. And he had to talk to Louis before class started.

Stuffing his face with the delicious toast Gemma made, he drove to school in a hurry, impatiently tapping his fingers on the wheel whenever he had to wait for a red light. His phone buzzed and he groaned in frustration.

                From: Lou –
Hazza, where are you? Class is about to start xxxxxxx

Harry knew he couldn’t reply when he was driving so he just hoped the lads would cover for him. But if he got detention, it wouldn’t be the first time. Johnson wasn’t particularly fond of him and vice versa. He parked his car and sprinted up the stairs to Johnson’s classroom.

“Mr Styles, how nice of you to join us”, Mr Johnson said with a threatening smile. “And why exactly do you feel like you are allowed to come into class late?”

“I fell back asleep after my alarm rang”, Harry said calmly. He was not going to get pissed today. Louis waved at him hesitantly and he gave his boyfriend a small smile, afraid Mr Johnson would take this out on Louis.

“Well Mr Styles, that’s detention for you this afternoon.”

“He can’t, Mr Johnson”, Kelsey piped up.

“And why is that, Ms Grey?”

“He’s tutoring me in geography this afternoon after school.”

Harry was debating if throwing himself out the window would help. It was either tutoring Kelsey in geography or listen to Johnson droning on about how Louis had no future.

“Is that true, Mr Styles?”

He’d choose tutoring anytime.

“Yes, Mr Johnson”, Harry said, mentally making a note to at least try his best when explaining geography to Kelsey.

“Very well. It seems like today’s your lucky day. Take a seat and don’t interrupt my lesson again”, Mr Johnson said, an annoyed look on his face. Harry knew he wasn’t amused because he’d gotten out of detention. Harry quickly sat down next to Louis and squeezed his hand softly.

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now