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Words – XII

“Niall, do you think they will listen to me?” Harry asked the older boy.

Niall shrugged. “Not sure. Zayn is obviously mad at you but I don’t know about Liam.”

“What if they break my nose?”

“Mate, I think you’d better worry about your reproductive system because I don’t think you’ll be able to have little curly haired toddlers running around if they get really mad at you”, Niall chuckled.

“Thanks a lot, Niall”, Harry sighed.

“No problem mate”, Niall said with a laugh. “Shall we then?”

“No, we shall not”, Harry said and he tried to make a run for it but Niall stopped him.

“Not so fast. You have to tell them eventually, before they decide to stop speaking to you forever.”

“Louis is not speaking to me either and to be honest, he means a little more to me than you and the lads.”

“Rude”, Niall gasped, clutching a hand to his heart. “Come on you crazy kid, let’s go.”

“Says the crazy kid himself”, Harry mumbled.

“Shut your face, Styles.” And Niall dragged him outside to his car.


A short ride and a lot of whining from Harry later, they arrived at Liam’s house. Niall rang the doorbell as Harry fidgeted with his shirt and tapped his foot on the pavement.

“Harry, stop that”, Niall hissed. “They’re not gonna murder you.”

Harry huffed in surprise. “You haven’t seen Zayn that day. I genuinely thought he was going to rip my limbs off and feed them to the lions or something.”

Niall gave him a pointed look. “Now you’re just exaggerating.”

“Am not!” Harry protested when the door swung open.

“Niall, Harry”, Liam said. It sounded surprisingly cold and Harry realized that at this moment they cared a lot more about Louis than about Harry himself. They must’ve been mad at Niall as well, probably for listening to him. Everything was Harry’s fault, wasn’t it?

Liam invited them in. Harry felt his eyes digging into his back and he knew he had a lot of things to explain. A lot of things.

Zayn merely nodded when the two of them came in, but it was better than the second option (which was Zayn breaking Harry’s face).

“Explain”, Liam said curtly.

“It was Kelsey”, Harry said. Zayn scoffed but Liam silenced him. At least Liam had decided to listen without interrupting. “I went to tutor her but she only wanted to seduce me and she kissed me.”

“State the obvious”, Zayn mumbled. “It was clear what she wanted all along.”

“I genuinely wanted to help her”, Harry said softly.

“Yeah well, sometimes you have to choose your boyfriend over your ‘genuinely helping people’ feelings”, Zayn snapped. “Do you have any idea how much you’ve hurt Louis?! He hasn’t spoken to us in days. That never happens. Not even with James or Tyler.”

Niall looks mildly shocked at that. “Hasn’t he texted any of you?” Liam shook his head shortly and Niall sighed. “Have you at least contacted Lottie or Jay to make sure he’s okay?”

“Well, Niall”, Zayn started, “you’re his friend too, so you could have contacted them as well.” His tone was angry and Niall cringed.

“Zayn, calm down”, Liam said reasonable and Harry was, for once, glad he interfered. “It’s useless if we all just get mad at each other. Harry, continue please.”

“She kissed me during that tutoring lesson and I was going to tell Lou after geography that day but Kelsey wanted to speak to me after the lesson ended. I thought, naively enough, that she might wanted to apologize. She didn’t. She kissed me again and Louis saw. I wanted to explain but I was so overwhelmed by what Kelsey had done that I was stood speechless. Louis broke up with me-”

“The least he could do was break up with you”, Zayn spat, but it didn’t sound as venomous as before. Maybe he had finally listened.

“-and ran out”, Harry finished.

“Sounds like we’re going to have to make a plan”, Liam said.

“Liam”, Zayn hissed, “we’re not going to help him.”

“No”, Liam said calmly. “We’re going to help Louis because he’s heartbroken.” And well, Zayn had nothing to respond to that. “What do you suggest, Harry?”

“Well, Gemma said I should keep texting him, telling him that I love him”, Harry said slowly. Zayn rolled his eyes and Niall was munching on some food (when did he get that?).

“That’s a good start”, Liam nodded and to Zayn: “If you roll your eyes one more time I will smack you around the head.”

“It’s almost Valentine’s Day”, Niall said with a mouthful of food.


“Hello!” Niall exclaimed. “Are you stupid? Show up at his door with I dunno, flowers or something?”

“Niall, you’re a genius. I promised Lou I’d get him roses on Valentine’s Day when I asked him to be my boyfriend.”

Niall grinned. “Boyfriend or not, you should keep that promise.”

“I should, shouldn’t I?”

“You’ve got to get past Lottie first”, Zayn warned. “She’s not happy with you, and neither is Fizzy.”

“I think I can deal with two teenage girls”, Harry said confidently. “I should go, I have to buy roses and chocolate and some other stuff. And I have to ask Gemma if it’s a good idea. I don’t want to leave her out of this.”

Before he ran out the door, Liam spoke up. “Harry, I’ll have you know that one more mistake and we’re never letting you near Louis ever again.”

“I understand, Liam, but there won’t be another mistake.”

“You sound awfully sure of yourself”, Zayn noted.

“Look, I love Lou, okay? I was stupid and I know that. Just let me fix this”, Harry pleaded.

“I’m not sure if there’s much left to fix”, Liam said honestly.

“I’ll try.”

“Good luck, Harry”, Niall piped up.

“Thanks Ni, bye guys.” And Harry left Liam’s house like a man on a mission. But he was. A man on a mission, I mean. After all, he had some roses and chocolate to buy.


“I think it’s a really good plan, Haz. The only thing is, his sisters might not let you in”, Gemma said.

“I know, but I don’t care. At least I can give them the flowers and the chocolate and hopefully they’ll give it to Louis. Right?”

Gemma looked doubtful but Harry knew it was his only chance. He could show Louis he didn’t forget his promise of buying him roses on Valentine’s Day, right?

                To: Lou –
I love you, sweet dreams xxxxxxx


A/N: I know, it's ridiculously short but I really wanted to work on my one shot ;o. I don't have much to say, really. It's late, I know, but yesterday was my great-aunt's birthday and those birthdays are always a bit of a family reunion ("you've grown so much, Marlou!") ...yeah you get the point.

Go follow @Anything1D, she deserves more fans c:

We can make it to 10 comments, yeah? I had 17 on the last chapter so I know you're all there c: -Marlou ♥

Words - [deaf!Louis] Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now