Video 2/24

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January 25th

"Calum?" I sat up, curious as to why my sister had called me. She never needed me unless it was really necessary and that was almost never.

Nonetheless, I put down my pen and walked down the set of stairs.

And maybe it was because it was my birthday and I secretly hoped, wished, I would still get a birthday cake. I was craving for one, really.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, my eyes fell upon a happily decorated box in her hands. A big red bow was atop it, finishing it off nicely.

"What is it?" I questioned curiously, knowing she wouldn't tell me anyway. Because what else is the fun of a present?

"I think you'll like this." She held out the box to me and I took it slowly, the curiosity becoming bigger. I needed to know.

"You can open it in your room." She then also handed me an envelope, shooing me off with a wave of her hand.

I almost ran back to my room, getting excited for what this present had to bring. If my sister thinks I like it, then I must.

I put down the box on my bed carefully, after I had entered my room and closed my door behind me. The envelope was still in my hands as I sat down on my bed, besides the box.

Tearing the envelope open, I bit my lip. I took out the small piece of paper, unfolding it.

Hi Calum,
Happy Birthday!
I hope you enjoy my neighbours gift, as he insisted I gave it to you. Though, he didn't know you personally, he pretended as if he did.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the gift and have a great day.
Mali's friend (;

I was confused, to say the least. But, I forgot about the letter quite quickly and picked up the box with two hands. How would it sound?

I slowly shook it, hoping the gift wasn't fragile and would be in pieces. To my surprise, something heavy sounded inside. My curiosity was overflowing.

I took off the ribbon -making sure it stayed okay- and lifted the lid. My eyes widened as I saw what was inside it.

My camera.

I picked it up and hugged it close. No way. This couldn't be happening, right?!

I held the familiar camera close to my face and examined it, seeing it looked the same way I left it a little more than two months ago. Well, apart from the little scratch on the side.

But, I was more than happy and my day couldn't get any better. Not even if my parents came home with a birthday cake.

I turned it on, tears almost welling up in my eyes as it still worked. More surprisingly even, the battery was full.

The first to appear was my video. The one I was supposed to send to the music school, but had to redo later because I never found my camera.

I smiled as I watched it, remembering how happy I had been after the video had been recorded. It had finally been perfect, so heck why I was freaking out when I realised my camera was missing.

Though, as I examined the frozen image, I noticed the numbers in the right upper corner of the small screen. It didn't say 1/1, like it was supposed to say. It said 1/24.

What else was on my camera?

I clicked to the next, only to reveal a frozen image of an unfamiliar living room. Curious as I was, I pressed play.

November 20th

The image of the living room shook, an unfamiliar face coming into the screen.

"Hello there." He started off, his voice a bit scratchy and causing him to clear his throat. "Sooo, I found your camera."

Michael waved at the camera, before cursing himself mentally for how stupid that must've looked. But, he still continued.

"And I saw the video of you playing the piano. You've got some skills, mate." He grinned at the camera, holding one thumb up. "But, I have no idea how to find you and that's why I decided to make videos of my great life to entertain you once you get it back."

Michael ran a hand through his fiery red hair, finding it in need of a new colour. Or perhaps two.

"Not to sound stalkerish, but I find your name nice. Calum. It's really unique." The boy grinned at the camera, feeling slightly awkward for talking to a fucking camera, but he was determined to fill it up with fun stuff.

"You said your name in the piano video, by the way. Just in case you wonder." A dot of blonde ran past Michael's legs, making him smile widely. "Oh! Meet Daniel. My cat."

Michael kneeled to the ground, trying to get himself on the camera along with Daniel, but he wouldn't sit still. So, Michael had to move the camera around and zoom in on his cat that way.

"Isn't he lovely?" He spoke proudly, watching his cat clean himself. He then chuckled, shaking his head and turning the camera back to him.

"How about a tour through my house? Since this is where I'll probably be filming most of the videos anyway." He rambled, stopping himself before he was going to stray off with his ramble. Something he did sometimes.

"The living room," Michael announced with a deep voice, moving the camera from his face again and letting it move around the room slowly. He made sure to capture every detail that was important and tell the story that belonged with it.

"And here we have the mighty vase of my great ancestor; Columbus." He suddenly announced, zooming in on the plain glass vase he didn't even keep flowers in. "Just kidding. I bought it on some cheap market once. Only ever used it for storing small things, though."

Michael shook his head at himself, already seeing the reaction of others if they were to see the video. Though he planned on only showing them to the boy from the piano. Calum.

"But this cookie right here," Michael walked over to his small coffee table, zooming in on the cookie that was left on a platter. "Is special."

He picked up the cookie, turning the camera back to himself. "This cookie, was made by the mighty woman called, my mom. And she bakes the best cookies, for sure."

He grinned widely, before looking back at the cookie. And when one holds a cookie -that tastes amazing for sure- one can't stop themselves from eating it.

And that is exactly what Michael did. He took a bite of the cookie and almost (almost) moaned at the taste. Yeah, his mom made the best cookies in the world.

"You know," Michael spoke through his chewing, before swallowing and smiling sheepishly at how extremely not-charming that must have been, "when I bring you your camera, I'll also bring you some cookies my mom made. And in return you can wish me a late happy birthday. Deal?"

The red headed boy nodded to himself as if whoever would watch it had answered. "That's a deal."

Camera {Malum}Where stories live. Discover now