Video 7/24

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February 2nd

No way. No fucking way. No- okay. Calum, keep calm.

That was basically what kept repeating in my head. Over and over again.

My body, on the other hand, walked towards Ashton's house on auto-pilot. I had to tell him this.

I was met by Ashton's body as I was walking up to his door, too busy with trying to get my thoughts back to normal to notice Ashton had been exiting his house.

"Whoah," we both spoke, holding onto each other to steady ourselves.

"Oh, hey Cal. Did you fall off the Earth for five days?" Ashton smiled at me, as I shook my head slightly.

"I guess. Do you have time?" I looked at Ashton and his smile disappeared as he nodded. "Sure. I was about to go get some coffee though, wanna come?"

"Yeah," I smiled, making sure I still had my bag -with my camera, obviously- as I nodded.

Ashton smiled again and took the lead, both of us walking in silence. We stayed silent even, until we both had a cup of coffee -one hot and one cold- and had sat down.

"So, tell me." Ashton stated, sipping his coffee afterwards.

"His video, after the one we watched," Ashton nodded as if he understood which one I meant (which he probably did), "was about, well, he went to the fair."

"The fair? But that was like... The end of November, right?" I nodded, taking a sip from my own coffee with the thick straw, the cold giving me temporary shivers.

"Yeah. But remember that we went there?" I asked him, causing him to nod. He then seemed to think, before his eyes widened and his mouth formed an 'o'. "No way."

I simply nodded. "He was there. He saw me. He fucking saw me, Ashton."

"Holy... Really?" I nodded again, Ashton's expression staying surprised. "Wow."

"Yeah, I just... I can't remember him there, you know? And that's what I hate, because how can one not notice such bright hair?" I bit my lower lip, leaning on my one hand.

"It's okay. It was November. I mean, I barely remember what we did at the fair, so let alone I would remember him." Ashton told me sheepishly, shrugging.

"I guess," I sighed, "but we had a chance to meet, you know? And I guess that just... Yeah."

"I get it, Cal. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll meet him soon enough." I nodded, hoping Ashton was right. I really wanted to meet Michael.

Because let's be honest right now. Michael is attractive. He's cute. He's funny. He's happy. He's just... He's Michael. And strangely, I think I really like Michael.

"I hope you're right," I said, looking up at Ashton. Ashton, however, was looking at the door. And guess who walked into the coffee shop at that moment.

I was pretty damn sure that the lanky blonde that walked in, with his face down and beanie covering most of his hair, was Luke.

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