What if...

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Long time no read aye?

But anyway, as you may have seen, this book, Camera, reached fucking 10K like hoLY FUCK WTF???

So, to celebrate this huge thing (I'm so happy omygosh), I decided to start posting my 'What if' series, which I started somewhere after I finished Camera, because I really missed writing it. And I haven't really continued with it until recently. And then I saw Camera was nearing 10k and I was like, why not start it then?

So basically the 'what if' series will be a new book, but it will be about Camera and it's happenings and of course most importantly: MALUM.

Beneath you'll find the description of the 'what if' book which will also explain the idea a little more. I hope you enjoyed this story and also will enjoy 'what if' if you decide to read it (: (it can be found on my profile)

Love xx

Kidding, I just wanted to answer to y'all who've been commenting why (or a variation of it) on the big revelation. My answer to everyone; It was planned from the beginning. In fact, it was the thing that even started this story, along with the idea of a camera and videos. I used to call it TFIOS.2 but eh, I aint John Green and probs won't ever be as good lol

Anyway, again, my love and I hope you like this idea xx

Camera {Malum} What if...

Everyone can think of what if's when it comes to a situation. In this case, it will be directed towards Camera.

What if Michael had caught Calum that day on the fair?

What if Calum had gotten his Camera back earlier?

What if they would have been able to meet?

Or what if Calum had never lost his camera in the first place...

Camera {Malum}Where stories live. Discover now