Video 14/24

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February 10th

"Cal-Pal!" I groaned at my sister, burying my face in my pillow.

Despite Ashton and I getting a bit over our sadness, I just wasn't in the mood to get out of bed just yet. It was comfy and warm.

"Hey, I know you heard me," her voice got accompanied by a knock, as I groaned again, this time lifting my face from my pillow. "What?!"

"You gotta go buy some groceries for mom." I huffed as I told her I'd do it, turning on my side and trying to get back to sleep.

"She wants them now, Cal. Get your ass out of bed and go and get them." She sounded quite stern, my grumbling muffled by the cover that I had pulled over myself

I managed to get myself out of bed, then trudging towards my bedroom door. "I'm going," I muttered as I had opened the door and was met with my sister.

"Good. Hurry up, yeah?" She smiled, before walking away and leaving me in the door opening.

I huffed again, almost pouting as I collected some clothes to wear. I just didn't want to go out at the moment. And not because it wasn't the best of weather outside

Okay, maybe that is the reason...

After having a shower and changing, I took my backpack and some stuff I needed to take, before turning to my bed. My eyes fell upon my camera, my brain immediately telling me to take it.

And so I did.

I then went downstairs, making some quick breakfast and eating it, before leaving the house. Let's hope it'll stay dry outside.

I had a jacket in my bag, just in case, but I didn't exactly have anything to get back home dry if it did rain. And the car wasn't an option as I couldn't drive yet. Not yet.

I mean, I could drive, yeah. But I didn't have a license yet. And if you don't have a license, you're not exactly allowed to drive on your own.


I stepped inside the supermarket, looking at the list my mom had left on the counter. It wasn't much she needed, luckily.

And so, before I knew it, I was done paying for my groceries and put them in my bag.

Of course, I was lucky. It had started raining, badly, and just as I thought I could perhaps make it home okay, a strike of lighting lighted up the sky.

Hell to the no.

I pulled out my phone, calling Mali. She better had time and come to pick me up, or I'm throwing the new bought apples at her.


"Can you come pick me up at the supermarket?" I bit my bottom lip as I looked around for something to sit on. Because I wasn't leaving for a while, so might as well get comfortable.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be there, uh... Shit. Sorry." I was confused by what she was exactly doing, hearing mom say something before Mali talked to me again, "mom needs my help for a bit, can you hang on a little longer? I promise I'll be there as soon as I can."

I mumbled an "okay" in response and after we exchanged our familiar goodbye's, we hung up. Guess I had to find a way to kill time.

And I knew just the way.

December 20th

"Today," Michael said lowly, pointing the camera at the approaching mall, "I am buying a gift for my best friend. I mean, I already have a gift that is way more emotional and shit."

He rolled his eyes jokingly, because despite him not seeming serious about the gift being more emotional, it actually was.

"But I just needed this gift as a... well, in some way it's meant jokingly. But it's also something I just really wanna cross of my bucket-list." Michael smiled at the thought of it happening.

"So, we're walking to the shop I always go to, when I have decided I need a new hair colour." Michael's smile got mischievous, the excitement bubbling up inside him.

He entered the familiar shop, filming around. "As you can see, they have a lot of stuff."

Michael knew just where he had to be, so without saying anything, he walked over to the shelf. "Now..."

He bit his lip as he scanned over the colours, looking for the one he wanted. A colour he would love to see on Luke.

"Ahah," he chuckled to himself as he picked up the black one, reading the instructions quickly to make sure it was the right kind.

With a big smile -and the camera hanging around his neck- Michael made his way over to the cashier, putting the item on the counter.

"Do you know how this works?" The woman behind the counter asked him, which made him realise she was new. This because 1) he hadn't seen her working here yet and 2) the other employees knew him and never asked him this because they knew he knew how to use all the stuff they sold that was related to dyeing your hair.

"Yeah," he smiled at her as she scanned the item, then putting it in a bag and asking for the money. Michael handed her his cash and she gave him the change before putting the receipt in the bag.

"Have a nice day," she said, Michael saying his goodbye before he exited the shop. He couldn't wait for Luke to see this.

He hung the bag on his lower arm as he took the camera in his hands again, filming himself. "So, I just bought that. Hope you catch the drift of what's going on and if not, you'll know soon."

Michael smiled at the camera, sitting down at a bench that was one of the many benches in the mall. "I'm just gonna sit here for a bit, maybe move to eat something later."

He breathed out a bit as if he was tired, which he had to admit, he kind of was. But it wasn't really his fault he was tired. It wasn't anyone's fault really. And everybody just had these moments where they're tired, right?

Michael was staring in front of him a bit, looking at two kids chasing each other and a mom trying to get them to stop. The dad was simply smiling, enjoying it all.

And in that moment, Michael wished he could have that too. One day, not just yet. And maybe, just maybe, even with Calum. Wouldn't that just be amazing?

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