Video 8/24

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February 4th

Luke hadn't come back.

Neither had Michael made an appearance, nor had anyone familiar come in after Luke had disappeared.

I was disappointed to say the least.

And I had showed it too.

I had spend a whole day being sad, in my bed, ignoring basically everyone. The only reason I left my room was for food or the toilet. I was acting horrible. Almost as if I was heartbroken.

It took me a whole day and thousands of messages from Ashton to realise I could watch another video. I had been so stupid, doing nothing, while I could have simply watched more videos.

So, the second day after that day in the coffee shop, I got out of bed and checked my phone. Or rather, I checked Ashton's messages.

And let me tell you, that took a while because he had seriously spammed me. Him spamming me gave me the feeling something had happened. Something that could maybe lead to Michael.

And so, as hope filled me, I opened his message and skimmed through them. But unfortunately, it was all just "Cal answer me", "please don't ignore me", "talk to me" and messages like that.

I sighed, putting my phone down and pouting. Was I ever going to get closer to Michael? Just meeting him, that was all I wanted. Thank him, for his funny videos that made me smile.

And perhaps, if it would be, maybe invite him on a... Well, I wouldn't want to get my hopes up, but the word I wanted to say was date. Because yeah, I was interested in Michael that way.

Maybe that was stupid, because I didn't really know him and hadn't ever seen him for real. But you couldn't control your feelings, even if you would want to.

December 4th

"I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known," Michael sang along softly, moving the camera around his room, "Don't know where it goes."

Michael sighed, before pointing the camera to himself and smiling widely. "Hi. So, I'm bored."

He rolled his eyes, realising how stupid that was. "Yeah. So, yeah."

He pouted, looking around his room. How can one entertain themselves, as well as the one watching the video?

Michael got up from where he had been lying on his bed, exiting his room, but leaving his music on. He hadn't really planned anything, so he kind of expected to be back in his room soon.

He wandered down the stairs, still holding onto the camera and filming where he was going. He hummed along to the music he could still hear, albeit faintly.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, a bark was heard. Michael rose his eyebrows, before smiling widely.

"Of course!" He quickly put on some shoes and then went outside through his front door, moving his camera to his neighbour's house immediately.

Michael closed his front door behind him -after making sure he had his key- and walked over to the neighbour's garden, seeing the puppy jumping around soon enough.

"That, my friend, is the coolest puppy on Earth." Michael told the camera, before moving it over to the small light brown puppy. "Bowser! Come here boy!"

The ears of the puppy perked up at his name -which he had learned surprisingly fast- and soon he came running towards Michael, barking happily.

"Heeey!" Michael happily greeted the dog, as he got down on his knees, still holding onto the camera with one hand as he opened his arms.

Bowser jumped onto Michael, his paws making Michael's shirt slightly dirty because of the mud he had walked in previously, but Michael didn't really care. He petted Bowser happily, laughing softly.

"How are you, boy?" Michael smiled at the dog, who only barked in response, trying to lick Michael's face. Michael, however, moved back a little. "No, no. You know I don't like you licking my face."

"Hey, dog-stealer," his neighbour, Sarah, said with a laugh as she approached the two.

Michael rolled his eyes playfully, getting up again and wiping his one hand on his jeans, before holding the camera with two hands again, pointing it at Bowser.

"Hi," Michael replied, smiling at Sarah as she came to stand next to him, a bit breathless.

"How are you, bud?" Sarah asked him, smiling. For some reason she kept calling Michael bud, no matter how many times he had told her not to because he found it annoying.

"I'm pretty good. Filming some stuff," he told her, showing her the camera, but making sure it was still pointed down at Bowser. Because he wanted to show Calum how cute Bowser was. And mostly to make sure he knew who Bowser was, in case he talked about him more often.

"Filming? How so?" She looked up at him, since she was slightly shorter, and Michael shrugged. "I like to give something back to whoever left his camera some time ago."

"Oh," Sarah nodded, seeming to think for a moment, before saying, "well, it sounds like fun. Do you know who the camera belongs to?"

Michael shook his head, laughing softly as Bowser tried to catch his tail. "Not really, but I'm looking. I'm sure I'll find him someday."

Sarah rose her eyebrows at him, "a him? Really now?" She then nudged Michael, causing him to glare at her playfully before both of them watched Bowser fondly.

"Yeah," Michael breathed out, his thoughts suddenly straying off to Calum. What would he be like?

Would he be a tough guy with playing piano as his secret passion nobody could know about? Because those arms, they were pretty damn fine.

Or maybe he was tough by looks (because yeah, Michael had to admit Calum had looked quite tough), but by personality, he was actually quite fragile. Or just shy.

Would Calum like to cuddle? Watch movies on a rainy day, cuddling up on the couch and just... well, just being together, really. Because Michael would definitely like that.

If only I could just meet the damn guy right now. Michael thought to himself, getting a bit sad of knowing there was a possibility they might never meet.

"Well, Bowser should get back inside. He's been out for long and should really nap. I'll see you around?" She looked at him, as if to be sure.

Michael nodded, "yeah, you'll see me around. I'm not going anywhere."

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