Video 10/24

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February 6th

It hadn't been the greatest idea to go to the park this afternoon. Because let me tell you, my neck hurts.

Every time a dog barked, I whipped my head around in the hope it would be that one puppy. But it wasn't my lucky day.

As for the coffee shop, Ashton had been hanging out there every day since the encounter, but Luke hadn't come back still.

And thus, so far there was nothing that could bring us to Michael. Who had cleverly changed his hair colour, so I now looked out for lilac hair.

Not that lilac hair wasn't easy to spot, because it still was a different hair colour than all the colours I saw on a daily basis.

But then again, it was something new to like about Michael. And with every video that I watched, I found out more about him and I found more to like.

Yeah, I could admit it, I had gotten feelings for the boy with weird coloured hair. I really liked him.

Which was weird, because we hadn't met. I didn't know if he was even anywhere near how he was in the videos, but the idea of him being like that -like in the videos- was overpowering.

And it hurt, to know I didn't know him yet and might never even find him. But I had to, because I needed to see how he was like.

I needed to get to know the boy from the videos, but then for real. With him sitting in front or next to me, us talking. Us... just being together.

Yeah, I'd like that.

Or maybe even needed that. Because I needed him in my life. That's how I felt. He was my missing puzzle piece. Or so I had decided.

I needed to find Michael, and fast.

December 9th

"Hello my dear friend! Unless you hate me for making videos on your camera without your permission, then... Yeah, I dunno what to say then. Because honestly," the boy took a breath and let it go slowly, looking at the camera a bit innocently, "I'm not sorry."

Michael then smiled cheekily, before laughing softly at himself. "Yeah."

He took a deep breath and moved the camera around his room, music once again playing in the background. "I was just listening to some music-oh! This is one of my favourite lines!"

Michael grinned as he waited for the one line to come up, before he sang along, "just trying to find some colour in this black and white world."

He nodded slowly, breathing out slowly as well. "Yeah. You really gotta search for that. But that's a reason for my hair, it brightens up everything. Quite literally, even."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Anyway. I wanted to say, I was just listening to some music, as you can hear. But, then I suddenly got this urge to game. Not that I do much differently, but this time I was like 'hey, why not film it?'"

Michael got up from where he had been sitting on his bed and walked towards his desk, where his computer was set up. "So, I'm gonna do that. How does that sound?"

He didn't wait for an answer -because he wouldn't get one anyway- and sat down on his chair, sinking down in it. "So," Michael spoke, letting the camera film all parts of his computer, "this is my baby."

Michael then moved the camera to the construction he had made to keep the camera in place, while it filmed him. "And that's where the camera will be. Don't worry, I will be careful with it."

He then sat forward to put the camera in place, making sure it was put there steadily and wouldn't fall. Because he couldn't let the camera fall, now could he?

"My game was getting ready, so I'm just gonna start playing right now." Michael clicked away for a bit, before getting a headset and putting it on. "I'm not playing with sound, like, others can't hear me and I can't hear them."

Michael put the small moveable microphone up, so it wouldn't bother him, as he clicked away with his other hand again. He bit his lower lip as he clicked a few times, before falling silent.

"The game is starting. It's counting down, so yeah." He looked at his screen, before looking at the camera, his green eyes clear, "oh yeah, just saying, but I can swear quite a lot when it comes to gaming."

He smiled sheepishly, before quickly turning back to the game, starting to click and push buttons. Because like always when he was gaming, he had to win.

It wasn't that Michael was a sore loser (maybe he was), but he just liked the feeling of victory. Something that he couldn't always get, but when he had the chance, he took it. Which mostly meant him taking the chance to game.

And then again, this game was just something he was good at. So why deny himself the pleasure of playing it?

"Yes, yes, die you stupid!" Michael exclaimed, furiously pressing buttons as he had a concentrated look on his face.

And for another moment, Michael forgot about the camera. He got lost in the game he was playing, only having eye for his computer screen as he pressed buttons and clicked with his mouse.

"No! Fuck! Come on!" Michael then exclaimed, grunting as his character died. He pouted and then sighed, shaking his head. "I hate dying."

It was silent after that, Michael simply staring at the screen for a bit, before his eyes flashed towards the camera. The music was still playing, "Feels like I'm falling in love alone."

Michael rubbed his face, before turning to the camera completely, "Sorry, this game is just annoying. But I still love it."

He gave half a smile along with two thumbs up, before turning back to the game and cursing some more. He got killed again while talking to the camera.

"Anyhow-goddamnit, leave me be you losers," Michael grumbled, hitting the same buttons repeatedly as well as clicking, "I'm just gonna- fuck you!- play this some more. I'll film it for a bit I- oh come on!"

Michael heaved out a sigh and crossed his arms. "I think I won't film much more... It's just not my lucky day."

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