Video 18/24

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February 14th

Today, I went outside again.

I was feeling almost a 100% good again and I was almost desperate for fresh air.

Plus I just really wanted a chance to see either Michael or Bowser. Either would be fine because the result would be Michael.

That sounded a bit weird, am I right?

Anyhow, as I was sort of saying, I was walking outside, joined by my curly headed friend who recently had gotten a haircut. We weren't talking about much, simply enjoying the walk, really.

Until we randomly decided to go to the park though. Which I obviously agreed to, because Michael could be hanging around there, as well as Bowser. And this Sarah girl.

I still couldn't put my finger to her. She seemed awfully familiar -by voice, because that was all I had when it came to her. But maybe if her and her puppy were here, I bet I'd recognise her voice if she were to call for him.

"You wanna sit down or just walk?" Ashton suddenly asked, looking my way.

I looked back at him for a moment, before shrugging. "I dunno. Whatever you want, I guess."

"Then we'll sit down, because I wanna eat those sandwiches." He grinned at me, before walking towards a bench and sitting down.

I approached him, as he patted the empty space beside him. "Come, come."

I rolled my eyes at him, but sat down nonetheless. I took my bag from my back and put it in my lap, opening it. "Which do you want?"

"I don't really care. Surprise me."

I took out the box of sandwiches, putting my bag between us carefully (couldn't damage my camera now, could I?). Then, I opened the box and held it out to Ashton, not telling him what was what.

He took one of the top ones, me doing the same before putting the box between us as well.

"So," Ashton started, swallowing his bite before continuing, "any closer to your lover?"

"Ashton," I fake-glared at him, as if I was annoyed he said it like that. While in reality, I wasn't. I really wasn't. It honestly made my heart flutter. Just the idea of Michael.

"What? Don't deny it. Now tell me." He rose an eyebrow at me, while taking another bite of his sandwich.

I sighed, "not really. All I have is Luke at the coffee shop, hope of seeing Bowser and Sarah and... well, hope of seeing him, I guess. But I have no clue where to look, really."

"I'm sorry dude," he gave me a sympathetic smile, patting my shoulder. "But, as I said, you'll meet when the time is right. I'm sure."

I shrugged, taking a bite of my own sandwich. I guess what Ashton said was true. And I guess hoping, was all I really could do right now.

December 28th

"I'm here today," Michael said, trying not to laugh as he filmed Luke, whose hair was no longer black as he was wearing flip-flops of all things, "with the legendary basketballer, Lucas 'the rocket' Hemmings."

The camera kept on filming Luke, who bounced the basketball with one hand. "We're gonna do some ballin'," Luke said, trying to look cool with the basketball.

"Yeah," Michael rolled his eyes, trying not to laugh, "just show us some moves then."

Luke raised an eyebrow, before dribbling the ball and trying to show off. He wasn't much good though, which Michael made clear by laughing at him.

"What are those shoes even?" Michael's finger appeared into view, pointing at Luke's white flip-flops.

Luke looked down, before looking up again and nodding. "Yeah, those are new basketball shoes."

Michael snorted, before Luke changed the subject, "check it out, check it out." Luke dribbled the ball while running towards the basket.

"I'm checkin'," Michael said jokingly, filming Luke all the way. Luke threw the ball up, before curling up in a ball beside the pole of the basket, hoping the ball wouldn't hit him.

Michael laughed loudly, the basketball bouncing away. Luke got up slowly, giving the camera a thumbs up along with a toothy smile.

Luke approached the colourful boy, punching his shoulder playfully. Michael, however, gasped and let the camera fall from his hands as he grimaced. Before gasping again and frantically picking up the camera.

"Whoah, sorry Mikey," Luke immediately apologised, watching his best friend with a worried face.

Michael was checking the camera, sighing in relief as he saw it only had a little scratch on the side. "It's okay."

Luke bit his lip, still watching Michael with worry. "You sure?"

"Just a little scratch. Must've been quite the sight to film though," Michael looked over the camera once more, concluding it really only had one scratch.

Luke looked a bit reluctant, but then smiled again. "That was pretty cool, huh?"

Michael rolled his eyes again. "Yeah, sure. And I'm going to live forever."

Luke frowned, causing Michael to quickly change the subject. "Let's go for a walk, yeah? Maybe we'll see Calum."

Luke sighed, while Michael waved for him to follow, walking towards the park already. Luke eventually followed, scrunching his nose at his flip-flops.

Both boys walked side by side, Michael having paused the video as they walked towards the park.

The walk was quite normal, the boys joking a bit and mostly just laughing. Especially when Luke had a problem.

And of course, Michael had to turn on the camera for that. "Luke, what are you doing?"

"Leaving my flip-flops," Luke answered, grunting as he kicked them off and then continued to walk barefoot.

"You're seriously gonna walk barefoot?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow as he smiled at his best friend.

"Yeah," Luke shrugged, walking further. Michael followed slowly, asking, "don't you wanna go back for some shoes or something?"

"Nah, too lazy," Luke answered. Michael rolled his eyes, but was secretly glad, because he didn't want to walk back. By the time they would be back at the park, he'd be too tired to do anything.

"You're such an idiot," Michael muttered, causing Luke to grin at him. "But I'm your idiot."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Michael chuckled, smiling widely at his best friend as they walked. Both all smiley and happy.

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