Video 6/24

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February 1st

You know what sucks?

When your parents decide to go on a five days trip and you forget your camera.

And not only did that suck because I would've liked to take pictures (my parents solved that by buying me a cheap camera), but it mostly sucked because I couldn't watch videos.

And damn, did I want to watch those badly.

So, as soon as we came home, I ran upstairs -completely abandoning any luggage- and plopped on my bed with my camera. I needed to watch a video.

After watching last time's video, Ashton and I had sat at the coffee shop, hoping the blonde boy would make an appearance (or maybe even a certain boy with coloured hair). But no such luck.

And since I was away with no wifi whatsoever, I couldn't exactly ask Ashton if he had found something yet. Which I still had to do, but right now I just really wanted to watch that video...

November 27th

"Helloooo, my dear friend." Michael greeted the camera happily, grinning widely. "Guess what's today."

The boy waited for a moment, despite knowing nobody would answer, before saying, "I don't know whether you guessed right, so I'll tell you. It's our first anniversary! Sort of."

Michael smiled sheepishly, moving to walk towards the kitchen. He wanted some of the cookies his mom had made once again, because if he would ask for those, she would make those.

"It's been a week since I found your camera. A whole week already, crazy right?" Michael nodded, reaching for the box that held the cookies, grumbling since it was placed up high -for no logical reason.

"Unfortunately-god damnit," Michael interrupted himself, still trying to reach for the box. He stood on his toes a little more and then successfully grabbed the box, pulling it down. Once he stood on his feet correctly again, he swayed a bit, quickly putting down the box on the counter and holding onto the counter to steady himself.

"So much trouble for fucking cookies," Michael grumbled, trying to keep a joking tone, but grimacing. "Anyway," he breathed out a puff of air and turned to the camera, smiling, "as I was saying. Unfortunately I haven't gotten any clue to find you. You haven't been to the park and I haven't seen you in the coffee shop either."

Michael pouted, putting down the camera in a way so it was still filming him, as he opened the box. He took out a cookie and put it in his mouth, before taking another cookie out and placing that one on the counter.

He then closed the box again and put it in one of the cabinets -since that was easier. Breaking the cookie with his teeth, he took the one half in his mouth and put the other half down to properly hold the camera again.

"So," Michael spoke around his cookie, munching on it. He then decided the counter would make a good sitting-place, so he hoisted himself on the counter. He then swallowed whatever had been left of the cookie and spoke again, "I really hope you live near here, because I do want you to get your camera back. It would suck if you lost it forever, because that piano-video of you..."

Michael nodded, picking up the half of his first cookie and taking a bite, humming as he thought. "And I'd like to meet you. Very much so."

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