Video 9/24

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February 5th

It had been a day since I had watched the last video. Almost exactly twenty-four hours even.

In the time it took me to get myself to go and get my camera to watch another video, I had been thinking. A lot.

The girl's voice, Sarah, had seemed a bit familiar. As well as the dog, Bowser. But unfortunately, I wasn't able to put my finger to it. Not once did I think 'oh, that's it!' in those twenty-four hours.

And that was really unfortunate, since she seemed so familiar. And if I knew who she was, I would probably know where she lives and then I'd know where Michael lives. Because after all, they're neighbours.

In that time, I hadn't spoken much to anyone. Which included Ashton, but he hadn't really send me messages either, so I guess it was just a bit of a mutual thing.

I had asked Ashton to keep an eye out for a dog named Bowser, also sending him a picture of the screen that was paused on the puppy. Because maybe (just maybe) he would recognise it.

I myself was going to look for the dog as well. I couldn't ask Ashton to do so and not help the tiniest bit myself now, could I?

And of course, as one could expect, I was going to keep an eye out for a certain person with bright hair. Because how hard should that be to notice?

December 7th

The video showed the -now- familiar bedroom, no music playing and no other sounds to be heard either.

"I have a surprise," Michael's voice suddenly sounded, his smile evident in it. "And, well, I don't really know what to say about it, actually."

Michael held the camera pointed away from him as he talked, not wanting to ruin the surprise just yet. He wanted to make Calum curious to what was about to happen.

"So, how about we both count down," Michael started again, before adding in a mumble, "or me right now and you maybe whenever you watch this."

He cleared his throat, not able to contain the smile that was forming as he spoke, "ready?"

Michael then made sure the camera was filming (because it would've been a bit awkward if it wasn't), before starting his countdown. "Three," he spoke slowly, "two," he moved the camera slightly, "one."

Michael was grinning widely as he turned the camera around, "surprise!"

He held the camera up a little, showing off his freshly dyed hair, that was no longer red, but now a nice lilac. It was less bright, but he thought it looked nice. And he hadn't shown anyone yet, so he was a bit nervous, but mostly happy it turned out okay.

"Sooo, what do you think?" Michael posed for the camera, sticking out his tongue. He then started laughing as he couldn't stay serious for long, waving the camera off. "I'm weird."

He sighed happily, smiling at the camera. "So yeah. I dyed my hair. Again." He nodded, holding the camera at the sides of his face for a bit to show every part of his hair.

"Looks good, right? Anyway, that was kind of on my bucket-list and I felt like dyeing my hair again. Two stones-no, one stone... something with a bird? Ah, I give up. It was a win-win, let's go with that." Michael rolled his eyes, smiling still.

"So, yeah. Let's talk about my bucket-list, shall we?" Michael walked towards his bed and sat down on it, scooting down until he was sat up against the headboard.

"I had to add a number," he began, taking a piece of paper in his hands, which was filled with numbers and things to do. Some crossed off already.

Michael let the camera film the part where he had striped off 'dyeing my hair some kind of purple', before turning the piece of paper and moving the camera all the way down, to where he had added a new one.

"See? It says: 'meet Calum'." Michael felt himself blush a little at the thought of Calum seeing this and knowing the boy wanted to meet Calum so badly. But then again, maybe Calum wanted to meet him too, just as badly.

"I guess your video really left an impression, huh?" Michael chewed on his lower lip, wondering how on Earth it had happened that he had such feelings for a boy he had only seen one video of.

Because, wasn't it weird? Michael had only seen one video, in which Calum introduced himself, told what the video was for and then played the piano.

Sure, Michael could see he was talented and loved playing the piano, but he didn't know much more than that. He didn't know Calum's favourite colour. Or his favourite food. Or even if he sleeps with socks on or without.

And all these little things, were what Michael wanted to know. But he couldn't if he didn't know Calum and if he couldn't find him.

So instead, he stuck to making videos to spend his time. Because making those videos wasn't just for Calum, no matter how many times he would say that. Those videos were for more than just Calum, but he didn't want to admit it to himself.

And so, he just continued with what he was doing. Like he always did if his thoughts strayed off to that one side again.

"But yeah, I'd just really like to meet you. I do hope you're a nice person. It would kinda suck if you weren't, because then a bad memory would be with my bucket-list. And my bucket-list is here for fun." Michael smiled at the camera, holding up a thumb.

"But judging from the video, I doubt you're an ass. So don't disappoint me, yeah?" Michael tried to look at the camera seriously, but as always, it only lasted for a few seconds. So, Michael was smiling again, his head once again filling with Calum.

"I guess it's weird that I can sometimes see you in front of me, like I've known you forever. While in reality, we haven't met. And the closest we've been to meeting was when I saw you at the fair." A pout appeared as Michael thought back to the fair, a bit sad he didn't catch Calum that day.

What would have happened if I did? Michael wondered, not for the first time. He had all these scenarios in his head, of how Calum would have reacted. Some were too good to be true, while others were even downright rude. And Michael would rather have the too good to be true ones.

"Anyway, I hope we meet at all, really. Rather sooner than later, but you can't really control that, I suppose. Let's go with before I die though," Michael spoke, nodding slowly, "yeah, I'd like that."

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