November 20th

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"Oh no. No. No, no. No."

"What's up No?" I glared at my sister as she entered my room. This was not the time for jokes. Not at all.

"I lost my fucking camera!" She stopped mid-step, her eyes widening slightly. "Whoah, how did you do that?"

"That's not the point! I need it back! My whole piano performance is on it." I gripped my hair, feeling my chest tighten as I realised this meant I would never be able to go to the best music school I've wanted to go to for years. Oh no.

"Chill baby bro, it'll be fine. You can do it over, right?" I started shaking my head, still gripping my hair. I felt trapped and lost, not even on Earth.

"Cal." My head was still shaking no, my mind chanting the same two lettered word. 'No'.

"Calum!" I felt something on my cheeks, but it was dark in front of my eyes. They were closed tightly and I wasn't planning on opening them.

"Look at me!" My eyes shot open, them meeting the familiar pair of my sister. She was holding my face, her mouth forming words but my ears not quite catching them.

"Breathe," was all I then heard. Breathe.

My breaths started out shaky, slowly getting a pattern. In. Out. In. Out.

"Better?" I nodded slowly, still concentrating on my breathing the most.

"You know, if it means that much to you, I'll help you find it. Yeah?" I nodded, looking into my sister's eyes. She smiled reassuringly, causing me to give her a weak smile back.

"It'll be okay, baby bro. Don't sweat about it." She ruffled my hair and I tried to push her off, my laugh escaping me weakly.

"So, let's think. Where have you last seen it?" I let out a deep breath, thinking. I videoed my performance, then went to have lunch before wanting to go to the park. But did I take it?

"It's not at home, so I must've taken it to the park." I mumbled, biting my lip as I felt hope fill me up. Perhaps I could still find it.

"Let's go to the park then! Suit up." She got up and clapped her hands together. I shook my head at her in amusement. Nonetheless, I got my shoes and put them on.

I followed my sister and together we walked towards the park. All the while I could only hope for my camera to still be there or maybe be at home. Though I doubted the last, because I had been searching our house for some time already.

"Where did you go?" I walked into the park, trying to remember the answer to that question. Once I did, I wordlessly led us to a bench.

I had sat on it most of the time, just watching and looking for something -or someone- to photograph.

I looked near the bench, my eyes momentarily falling on a head full of fiery red hair, before I moved back to the bench, wishing I could've captured that beautiful red colour.

I searched near the bench, my sister helping me. But tears started to fill my eyes as I realised my camera wasn't here. My beautiful camera. Lost.

"I'm sorry, Cal. Maybe it'll pop up at home." A hand rubbed my back, but I knew it was hopeless. If only someone good has found my camera. I guess that's the hope I'll have.

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