Bonus: A day to spend

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April 20th

It was quite the cold day, surprisingly.

But nothing would change the plans I had made, not even rain.

The rain would make my plans ironic, really. It would be like a movie scene. Those in the dramatic movies they always make.

I was all packed up, dressed properly and ready for the day. Well, sort of. As ready as I could be, I guess.

With a deep sigh -to give me courage- I had left my house, starting the walk. It wasn't all too far, luckily. And I could've easily gone there by car, but it felt better to walk.

As expected, there was no one when I arrived, the whole graveyard empty and sad. Well, empty apart from all the stones, indicating those who were no longer here. Those who were hopefully in a better place.

I looked at my hand, the small piece of paper with the directions held there. It told me where to go left or right, in order to find the right stone. Of course I could always search for it myself, but that would take longer. And right now, I wanted all the time I could have.

"Third row," I mumbled to myself, as I was already somewhere in the middle of the graveyard, many rows of stones surrounding me. Luckily, this row housed the stone I was looking for.

I counted the stones, looking at the names as well, just to be sure, until I reached the one I was looking for.

Michael G. Clifford
November 20, 1995 - January 20, 2015

It made me sad to read it, but with a deep breath, I sat down across from it. My one hand almost automatically moved to touch the grass, as if that would help him hear what I was about to say.

"So," I quietly spoke, clearing my throat, "I'm not sure what people usually say when they do these kind of things. I guess they just talk, really. And I guess that's what I'll do."

I hummed softly, smiling a little as all the memories of the videos came back to me. I hadn't watched any of them again, not ready for it just yet.

But, I had let them be on my camera, buying a new one for pictures and such. I didn't want that camera to be touched. The videos had to stay on it and I didn't want to accidentally remove them or anything.

So, after saving up a lot, I had bought myself a new camera. My parents had never understood, telling me my first camera was perfectly fine. But that just wasn't the problem.

"I bought a new camera. I mean, I still love taking pictures, just like before. And I was too afraid to use my old one." I then quietly added, "too afraid to lose your videos."

With a deep sigh, I moved my eyes down. "But it's okay. I still have my old one, obviously. I'm never losing it again. I can't risk those amazing videos disappearing."

I smiled lightly, "Luke and I are talking a lot. He's told me much about you and he keeps asking me if he can see the videos. He misses you, you know?"

A lump formed in my throat, my heart hurting, my voice a whisper, "I miss you too."

A soft breeze blew past, making me shiver a little as my jacket had been open. "But he's been doing better. Ashton and him have been hanging out as well. Mostly it's the three of us, but yeah.

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