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February 13th

It took some sleep and soup and being bored, but I was feeling better. Way better than the two days before.

Which was good, obviously, because now I could get back to looking for Michael. Sort of.

I wasn't exactly allowed to go outside, because my mom didn't want me sick again so soon after I got better.

And I guess I agreed, because being sick sucked. It sucked and it was boring and I just didn't like being sick at all.

Plus, it was Friday the 13th.

And me being me, I kind of believed in the misfortune the day brought.

Especially after I walked into my bathroom door this morning.

And after I stubbed my toe on my dresser on my way back to bed.

And when I fell out of bed trying to get back in it.

Oh, and did I mention I spilled half of my tea (very hot tea) on myself?

Yeah. Friday the 13th wasn't my favourite day. Not at all.

But then again, they say you only have misfortune, because you look out for it and believe in it.

I just believed I was clumsy and most of my clumsiness was expressed when it was a Friday and the 13th. Or again, Friday the 13th.

But, on this day full of misfortune, there was one thing that wasn't so misfortunate. It was actually quite the opposite.

And it was called Michael.

December 26th

"Today, is Boxing Day." Michael told the camera, smiling and then giggling as he felt the cat-like ears on top of his head move.

"And today, I will be watching movies. I think. I'm not even sure yet. I haven't exactly planned anything, you know?" Michael bit his bottom lip as he thought, the ears moving along.

Michael subconsciously smiled, finding it funny and amazing how the ears moved along with Michael's feelings.

Like, the day before (which was obviously Christmas Day and the day he got the ears) they had watched a movie, which was quite the sad one. And as Michael tried not to tear up, his ears showed he was sad.

His parents had comforted him, which he linked to the ears, obviously. And it secretly made him think that maybe, maybe, that was a reason he got them as well. So his parents knew if he was really okay if he said "I'm okay".

But then again, Michael didn't really care, because to him, whatever the reason behind it had been, the ears were fucking awesome.

He had even found out you could replace the fluffy outside of the ears. Which he had found out when he saw the other pair of fluffy ears in the box.

The other pair was yellow, with black tips. They were kind of like Pikachu's ears, but then fluffy. Michael still called them Pikachu ears, though.

He hadn't switched them yet, because he quite liked the purple ones. Maybe sometime soon he would at least try it out, but for now he was happy with the purple ones.

"Michael, honey? Do you want to watch the first two Home Alone movies?" His mom asked, knocking on the door lightly.

The ears on Michael's head perked up, before he himself sat up and smiled. "I guess movies it is."

He grinned at the camera, before telling his mom he would be down anytime soon. His mom let out a happy "okay" before her footsteps went away.

"So, today will be spend watching Home Alone and Home Alone two," Michael explained, in case the camera hadn't heard his mom's proposition, "which are the best two out of all the Home Alone movies. They're the only I'll ever watch when it comes to Home Alone. Just so you know, I guess."

Michael put a thumb up, getting up from his bed and fixing his hair a bit in the mirror. With one hand, because he kind of refused to put down the camera.

"I'll probably film, like, the beginning or something. Maybe not even, because watching a movie isn't that interesting, really. I mean, you can watch it yourself, at home. And then it'll be a better quality, so yeah." He shrugged to himself.

"I should get downstairs, or my mom will be up soon." Michael grimaced, before covering it up with a smile, walking out of his room and filming his way down.

He went down the stairs a little slower than normal, because he almost tripped yesterday and he really didn't want that. He could break anything quite easily and he just didn't want that. He hated breaking bones anyway.

"I almost thought you forgot," his mom joked, smiling as Michael entered the room. The ears on his head perked up again -as they had been down with concentration on the stairs- and he smiled back. "I wouldn't forget. It's Home Alone after all."

His mom shook her head, patting the empty place on the couch beside her. Michael happily took place and snuggled into his mom a bit, almost forgetting about the camera.

"As you can see, I'm going to watch the movie now. With the best woman in the world. Sooo, I guess that was the short video of today. I might film later if anything interesting happens, so," Michael thought for a moment, the camera filming his face, "yeah. Bye, I guess?"

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