chp1 Hale House

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The Hale House... More like the Hell House. It looked like a deranged serial killer lived there. The outside still had evidence of the fire that had engulfed the house and all that lived within a few years ago. He remembered the fire. He was there that night.

He remembered the way his father had heard the call over the radio. How he had sped there telling him to stay in the car and not to get out. How when they had skidded into the long gravel driveway. His father had jumped out of the car so fast Stiles had called out his name telling him to be careful.

The house was in flames. Stiles thought for one moment that some supernatural creature had fed the flames. They were too big to hot. He could feel the heat from here.

How had he ended up out of the car? Wasn't he supposed to stay in the car? His Dad had said to stay inside the car. But he could see people trying to help, trying to get into the house. Trying to get to the people screaming inside.

Stiles saw his father grabbing a young boy who had run towards the fire screaming and trying to run into the house that had been turned into an inferno.

His father was dragging the boy back and telling him something he couldn't hear. The boy was screaming and crying. Stiles could hear him begging. Begging forgiveness and to please save them. Please save my family.

Stiles suddenly was running. He had no idea what he was doing but something inside him was yelling at him to run. Then he spotted it. the reason he was running. He was running because he'd seen something on the side of the house. Doors. Doors that were to the basement on the ground. What were those things called. Cellar doors. They were shaking. Being hit. He saw a shovel by the doors up against the house and he suddenly grabbed it yelling out. "HELP!"

He bashed the shovel against the lock on the door and it shattered. Suddenly he was pulling the doors open and there was smoke everywhere. Heat pouring out as he helped pull three screaming people out. There were suddenly firemen all around him and pulling the two women and one man then the firemen were going into the basement.

He'd done it. He'd saved them! He was a hero like his Dad!

Suddenly the other boy he'd seen was suddenly there helping pull the women towards the ambulences. Stiles was helping his father pull the man towards the ambulance. The man was screaming. His face and body were burned.

He doesn't remember what his father was telling the man. He doesn't remember anything much. Because the screams from the man were drowning everything out.

Suddenly he remembered the doors to the ambulance shutting out the screams as his father touched his shoulder and looked into his eyes filled with pride and told him. "You did it Stiles! You're a hero! You saved them!"

He remembered what he answered. "I had to save them Dad! I had to! I wanted to save them like you save people! I wanted to be a hero like you!"

...But looking up at it now... It looked like a scar.

Stiles tawny brown eyes were dark as they looked up at the house. His red hoodie pulled up shadowing his face. There was a plack on the front door. "Hale House For Children"

This would be the 8th place hed been put into since.... Since he'd become an orphan. His dark eyes stared at the house and hated that he was back in Beacon Hills. Hated that he was back here in this cursed place. Hated his life. Hated everything.

His jaw clenched and he heard the social worker walk up from behind him and felt him grip his hoodie and pushed him towards the porch. "Get your ass in gear boy. I want this to be over as fast as possible. Listening to you yammer on for 3 hours has seriously put me in a bad mood."

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