chp9 Sparks and Wolf Packs

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Stiles sat on the couch and looked around at the people around him. They all looked tense. He rubbed his face. Looking to Isaac who was sitting beside him he asked in a whisper. "What happened last night... I was so out of it... How did you all find me?"

"Derek found you. We-we went looking for you." Isaac looked tense as he answered him and he shook his head "You almost died out there..."

There was a harsh growl from the kitchen and Stiles knew it was Derek. He rubbed his face and looked around. Erica was leaning on Boyd and he was holding her. Cora was biting her nails near the front window looking out. Peter had disappeared somewhere and Derek was making coffee in the kitchen. Stiles was wrapped up in Derek's leather jacket still.

"He's here" Cora said and Derek was walking towards the door and going through it to walk to where Dr Deaton was parked and getting out of his car.

Stiles made to stand but his feet and legs were sore so he just ended up flopping back down on the couch. "Relax Stiles its going to be ok" Isaac pats his shoulder carefully leaving his hand there to help reasure him.

Derek walks back in with Deaton. Deaton comes over to Stiles and starts checking him over. Checking his vitals and his temperature. Then he asks him about the Sleep walking. Stiles tells him what he told the others. Seaton then asked "Where did you wake up tonight? Can you describe it to me?"

Stiles nodded as he described the clearing. "I woke up in the woods. I was in this small clearing and I was standing infront of this really big tree stump. It was flat and had to be at least 10 feet across. It had these big twisted roots..." Stiles shivered and pulled Derek's jacket more around him.

Deaton frowned a bit and then looked to Derek.

"I think it's time to lay the cards on the table." Peter was leaning against the wall watching them. "That tree stump you walked to last night is a bad place. Its evil. "

Dr Deaton shook his head "Technically it's not evil. The Nemeton is a neutral point of power."

"That thing drew Stiles out in the middle of the night so he would freeze to death! It tried to kill him!" Derek snapped his hands fisted at his sides as his jaw clenched.

"Hey has everyone just gone crazy or am I halucinating again?" Stiles asks no one in particular .

Everyone was quiet for a moment then Peter sighs and he takes a few steps and shakes his head and says "Screw it. " Peter suddenly looks to Stiles and his eyes glow bright blue and his face heals the burn scars. Suddenly Peters face is perfect and handsome and not a trace of the burns Stiles knew should be there.

Stiles blinks and slowly stands up. Peter watches him as does everyone else. Stiles slowly reaches out towards Peters face. Peter goes statue still and Isaac is about to reach out and pull him away when he stops and pulls his hand back.

"Am I dead?" Stiles asks himself as he looks down at his hands. "Did I freeze to death? Is this my mind just giving me a last dream?"

"No! You're here this is real!" Derek speaks in a growl and Stiles look up in time to see his eyes flashing red.

"Stiles I understand that you are a bit confused but I believe you should sit down and listen." Dr Deaton said in his calming voice. "First off you all should know that Stiles is not completely Human. In all intensive purposes he is but he has something that is very Rare. He has A Spark. It is magic. It is why he was Drawn to the Nemeton last night. I believe that the Nemeton was and has been trying to either tap into Stiles Spark or.... Trying to awaken it."

"You're saying Stiles... Skinny defensless Stiles... Is a Spark?" Derek asked sounding shocked.

"Hi what the he'll is a Spark?"Stiles asked as he stayed standing and felt his chest constrict from panic

"Sparks are very Rare. They are humans that have magic inside them. Most of them become Emissaries for powerful Wolf Packs. Some have been known to go bad and become ... Dark druids. " Dr Deaton spoke in a calm manor as always.

Stiles blinked at him and then he started heading for the door. "This is such a messed up weird dream"

Suddenly Stiles is pinned up against the door and hes looking up at Dereks red eyes as his face shifts into something that looks like a wolf and has fangs and pointed ears and those blood red eyes glowing down at him. "This is not a dream "

Stiles heart thundered against his ribs and he watched as Derek's face changed back to his normal stubble covered cheeks and his grouchy brows and that ever present frown.

Stiles flicked his eyes down to his mouth to see no fangs and then back up to those red eyes and his voice trembled "Y-you're a werewolf...."

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