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"How long have you been watching him?" A faint deep voice almost not even there. Is that Derek?

"Since I woke up and realized he was in there." Was that Peter? This was a wierd dream.

"He smells different..." That soft feminine voice was Cora. "Some of the pain... it's different now..."

"It's still there. It's just not overwhelming him now." Derek's gruff voice sounded clipped now.

Stiles groans and shifts and starts to blink awake. He's in his room. It was so weird. He knew that the last 2 years were real... but for a moments as he looked over at the door that was cracked open just a bit. He thought his Dad could stroll right in and start telling him that he better get up and ready for school and how he'd be home late after his shift.

Sitting up and looking at the door he rubbed his hair and sighed. "god..." his voice was raw and he rubbed his ankle to make sure it was better before getting up. Walking/limping over to his closet he opened it. All his old clothes. A little smirk pulled his lips up as he slipped what he had off and then pulled on his old batman shirt and yes it was a bit snug but he smiled down at it.

He checked and saw that some of the clothes were new. Mostly pants. Slipping on a pair he made a small noise as limped out of his room and to the bathroom.

Someone was in there.

He was holding his toothbrush standing there in the hall waiting for his turn.

Isaac walked past him and mumbled "Erica get out stop fussing with your damn hair."

"Perfection takes time dorkus!" Erica's voice mumbled.

Stiles shrugged and then limped down the stairs. He went right passed the livingroom into the kitchen where Cora and Derek were drinking coffee at the table.

Stiles didn't look at them as he limped to the kitchen sink and turned on the faucet and started to brush his teeth right there.

"What are you doing?" Cora asked from behind him.

"Mff Brshng tfff" Stiles mumbled from around the toothbrush as he kept brushing. He used the water and bend over the sink slurping at the water then swishing and spitting it out a few times then he rinsed the sink then splashed water over his face and running his figners through his hair and then used his reflection in the window above the sink to muss his hair to stand up right and then he nodded and turned around.

Isaac was shaking his head. "Why did I never think to do that when Erica is hogging the bathroom?"

Cora chuckled and then asked him. "Stiles, would you like some coffee? This house kind of runs on the stuff."

Stiles hesitates and then feels a slight twinge of anxiety. "I- I can't drink that stuff. It makes me really hyper and I end up bouncing off the walls and then you don't want stuff around here getting broken believe me. It's like living with a tazmanian devil." Stiles kept his eyes away from her but still put up that slanted smirk and he had forgotten to take his pill this morning. Damn he needed to take it before he started getting bad.

"I'll be right back..." Stiles limped a little faster up the stairs. His heart racing a bit and he was already in his room going through his pack and searching for his pill bottle. He grabbed it and opened it. Tipping it into his palm.

One pill. He only had one pill left. Damn... he had to talk to Peter today... what if they couldn't find a local dr for a month. He had to have his pills. Swallowing down his pill as he tried to stay calm. He put the bottle in his pocket and grabbed his red hoodie pulling it on. Limping down the stairs he saw Derek walking out of the kitchen. "Um..."

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