chp5 Isaac

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When he woke up again he was dressed a very warm big sweater and some pajama bottoms. He was laying on his side and he was warm and covered with his comforter. His eyes blinked open and was feeling alot less pained. He realised that it was pitch dark outside except for a waxing moon hidden behind some thin clouds. It's light spilling into the window and across his bed.

He was sore. Grumbling softly as he sat up slowly. He felt a bit fuzzy. Muddled.

He heard a soft knock at his door and he made a mumbled attempt to say come in but it ended up sounding alot like "Cmmn"

The door slowly opened to show Isaac holding a wrapped up sandwich and a glass of juice. "Hey. They said to make sure you ate when you got up."

Stiles rubbed his face as he sat on his bed and nodded "Thanks." He still felt half asleep. "how long I been sleepin?"

"Around 7 hours." Isaac offered the food and glass and then sat on Stiles bed.

Stiles unwrapped the sandwhich and still half awake he handed half of it over to Isaac. Isaac hesitated for a moment then took the offered food.

Biting into the sandwich he let out a low and deep growling moan as he tasted salami and turkey and ham and pickles letuce and mustard with mayo and tomato. "mmmmmmm. Damn that's good."

There was a sound like something got dropped downstairs.

Stiles ignored it as he tore into the sandwhich and sipped at his drink then blinked over at Isaac who was just holding the sandwhich waiting.

"Better eat that for I take it back and finish it myself scarf boy." Stiles said as he was nearly done with his half.

"I'm supposed to make sure you eat it all. It's for you." Isaac holds out the other half for him. "I already ate earlier."

Stiles took the other half and started tearing into it shrugging. "okay then." After chewing a bit Stiles slid his eyes over to the door which was thankfully shut. Then to Isaac. "So... when do they stop this whole nice shtick?"

Isaac looked a bit confused. "What?"

"The doting family act. When do they drop it and start acting like real douche nozzles? When do they start messing us up? When do they start making us work for free?" Stiles asked in complete seriousness. "Is that Dr still here? Is that why they made you bring me food?"

Isaac looked away then looked back up to Stiles face and Stiles saw pain and sadness flicker across Isaac's face. "They aren't like that. Derek's not like that. He..."

Stiles chewed slowly and swallowed and looked curiously to the boy. "What?"

"..." Isaac was gripping his own shirt in his fist as he spoke after a few beats. "I don't know what you've experienced before this. But you need to know that Derek isn't a bad guy and as creepy as Peter can be he's never hurt any of us." Isaac shook his head his blonde curls bouncing slightly. "They saved me from...from going into the system after my father... passed away."

Stiles felt pain flare to life in his chest. "I'm sorry..." it was barely a whisper.

"I'm not... He used to...hurt me." Isaac looked ashamed as he said it and then he looked away from Stiles to the window to the moon. "The Hale family saved me... Derek helped me learn how to be strong."

Stiles felt the botom fall out of his stomach as he realized that Isaac knew about pain like he did. Only in a completely different way. His own father... Stiles took a deep breath and couldn't fathom it.

For a few minute they sit in silence. Stiles bows his head and feels their shoulders brush together. Neither of them pull away.

"Here... It should be safe for you to take these now. It's Ibprophen. It'll help." Isaac held out his palm holding two pills.

Stiles took them without hesitation. Drinking them down with the juice. "How long have you been here?"

"A year and 3 monthes. I was the first... their first kid they brought into their home. Then a couple of monthes later Erica and Boyd showed up within weeks of eachother. And now... Now youre here." Isaac tilted his head as he looked to him.

Stiles looked down at his hands and then slowly looked over to Isaac and asked him in a whisper. "All this time... they never..." he didn't finish his sentence and made a slight wincing face as he fisted his hand.

Isaac shook his head. "No. Never. Peter and Derek take care of us. They might not be lovey dovey or anything have family time or help us with homework but they make sure we have what we need and are taken care of. Peter doesn't like to be touched so if one of us does happen to get hurt Derek is the one to take care of us. Cora is kind of just around all the time. She watches over us too but, it's different."

Stiles fists his fingers and doesn't know how to feel. Was this place safe? Could this place be... be a place where he wasn't suffering everyday?

Could he finally stop hurting? Could he just stop fighting. Stop raging. Stop causing trouble just to spite them all.

"I don't know what happened to you before this. But I think I know better then the rest of them..." Isaac said very quietly almost a breath of a whisper. "... but you'll see... it get's better. The nightmares begin to fade after a while."

Stiles feels the lump in his throat ache as he swallows and he blinks back the tears that threaten to fall as he shakes his head. "It's been 2 years... nothing has faded... nothing..."

They both knew he wasn't talking bout the beatings.

He felt Isaac's hand gently touch his shoulder for the breifest of moments. When his trembling fingers begin to pull away Stiles hand is over his hand just holding it onto his shoulder for a second. "Thanks Isaac..." it's only a whisper before they both stand up and move downstairs to put up the trash and glass. 

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