Chp 2

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He slowly came awake when he felt someone touching him. Shaking his shoulder. "Not yet Dad. I've still got 5 minutes." Stiles voice was horse and his throat actually hurt alot.

The hand on his shoulder stilled and he felt the fingers squeeze slightly before letting go completely.

He started to slip back into sleep but then he heard hushed voices.

"It's getting dark Derek, we need to get him inside. It's going to be cold tonight." A woman's voice soft and hushed as she spoke.

"I know Cora... I know..." The man that was crouching next to him must be Derek.

"Is he crazy or something?" another womans whispered voice.

"Shut up Erica." Derek growled harshly.

"His hands are bleeding. He could get an infection right? Isn't that bad?" another males voice.

Stiles remembered where he was and the fact that his father wasn't the one to wake him up. He sighed and reached up and pulled his hood back up and then opened his eyes and looked down at his hands. Dried blood and dirt were smeared all over his knuckles as well as some little pebbles that were embedded in his skin.

"I'm fine." His flat voice was less convincing when it was all tore up and gravely from being horse from the screaming. Ignoring them and the weight of the stares he felt on him as he pushed himself up to a standing position then took a step and his foot that had been caught on a root gave out on him.

He didn't cry out in pain but it was close as he bit his lip and fell to his knees. Suddenly he was being hefted up by a pair of strong arms. Stiles jerked and pushed against Derek who was huge and freakishly strong. "Get off me!" Stiles croaked out as he faught his hold on him.

Suddenly he felt Derek grab him and push him up agianst the tree he'd just been sleeping against.

That shocked Stiles out of his self. Especially when Derek barked a order at him. "Hey! We don't have time for this!"

Stiles tensed and he looked up into those hazel eyes and saw those grouchy eyebrows scowling down at him that sour looking face looking downright pissed and all the while those huge hands are fisted in his hoodie front. Holding him pinned to the tree.

Stiles heart skipped a beat and he faultered for a moment. This was the boy from the fire. Memories flashed before his eyes. His father holding the boy back and trying to save him.

Recoiling from the memories he looked to the side and closed his eyes for a breath. Baring his neck to the man that held him to the tree as he tried to hide from his own memories.

After he took a breath he felt the hold on his hoodie tighten and then suddenly he was being pulled up and over Derek's shoulder in a fireman's carry and he was being carried through the forrest.

"HEY! What the hell are you doing?" Stiles was suddenly no longer lost in memories. He was distracted by the fact that he was being carried around like a sack of potatoes. "Put me down you neanderthall!"

He heard a girl laugh and he looked up. Realizing that there was a group of people following behind them.

"Derek does kind of have that cave man thing going on huh?" Said the girl with bouncy blond curls. That must be Erica. The one that thought he was crazy.

She was walking beside two boys. A tall darkskinned boy who looked like he could bench press a motorcycle and a skinny blonde boy who was wearing a rediculous scarf. Before them was a older girl with brunette hair and dark eyes.

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