16 Deaton's clinic

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The vines and roots were covering every inch of him. There was no escape no light could get in and he couldn't see anything. He screamed and couldn't even thrash.

Then suddenly he heard Deatons voice. It was saying words in another language.

Suddenly Stiles was thrashing on top of the cold examination table in Deaton's clinic. Held down by Isaac and Deaton. He was screaming so loudly that his throat felt like he had swallowed glass shards.

Suddenly he realized that he wasn't being suffocated and covered in vines anymore so he fell back onto the table and his body shuddered a few times as he blinked dazedly up at the ceiling. "N-nemeton... t-tried to eat me..." he croaked out slurring a bit.

"You were sleeping Stiles. We are at Deaton's not in the woods. I promise youre safe." Isaac said as he took Stiles hand and black viens spread from where they touched. Isaac bowed his head and winced.

Stiles slipped his had out of Isaac's grip and then reached up and pet his fingers through those golden curls. "It's okay..." Stiles didn't want to share his pain with the blonde boy. He'd already had enough pain in his life.

"Stiles can you tell me what happened tonight?" Deaton helped Stiles to sit up and then put a mug of tea in his hands. "Drink this. It will help."

Stiles was too tired to be paranoid. He sipped the tea and his throat slowly stopped hurting. The buzzing in his head numbed a little too.

"I think... no I am pretty sure... I had a vision tonight... a couple really... And did I mention that they came accompanied to head splitting I think I am going to die from this kind of pain... really not fun..." Stiles rubbed his eyes and sipped more of the tea.

"What were the visions of?" Deaton asked him calmly with that patient voice of his.

"Hunters... Human hunters are coming for the Hale Pack... they came and they killed... everyone..." Stiles felt sick to his stomach at the memories of seeing the little family cut to pieces and shot down. He flinched remembering his own body hanging from the porch.

"Are you sure it was tonight?" Deaton asked him seriously suddenly the calm man seemed a bit more... dangerous.

"Yes... the moon was full and we were all wearing the same clothes." Stiles nodded looking over at Deaton who wore a very serious and introspective expression.

"And your other vision?" Deaton suddenly looked into his eyes and Stiles didn't know why but he felt himself shiver.

"I... I saw Erica and Boyd kill Derek on the way to the Safe house... They lost control and broke through the chains. I told him to take someone to drive and then have peter help hold them..." Stiles rubbed his eyes. "I blacked out for a little while after. And I was bleeding." Stiles wondered if the visions could kill him.

Deaton put his hand on Stiles shoulder and told him in that calming voice. "You are going to be okay Stiles. Not many Emissaries have the ability of Future sight. The first few visions are painful yes. But your body will get used to them in time. It is like any muscle. It just needs to be strengthened."

"So one day it wont feel like my brain is going to melt out of my head?" Stiles sipped the tea and rubbed his temples.

"Yes Stiles. You have a very powerful spark." Then Deaton looked between Isaac and Stiles. "Do not tell anyone outside of the pack that he has the sight. It is a rare and sought after ability. It saved the pack's lives tonight."

Stiles nodded slowly.

"You had a dream about the Nemeton?" Deaton asked him quietly as he watched him closely.

Stiles nodded and couldn't help but shiver at the memory. "Yeah... I was standing there and I touched it. At first nothing happened but then it... it came to life and it grabbed me with its roots and these weird green vines and it put me on it and then they wrapped all around me till I couldn't see or move... I was... I was screaming and trying to get out but I couldn't move..."

"Did it harm you? Were you in pain? Did you feel yourself weakening?" Deaton asked patently as he leaned on the exam table.

Stiles scrunched his face for a second. "No... no it wasn't hurting me but it was holding me down and I couldn't see and I couldn't get away..."

"Hmm..." Deaton looked towards his shelf.

"Hmm? That's all you have to say? Hmm?" Stiles scoffed and put down the mug. "Could you vague that up a bit for me?"

Deaton smiled over at him. "It is interesting that when you were weak and in pain the Nemeton entered your dreams and covered you in itself. You havent had a vision since. And you have stopped bleeding. It seems to me... that it was trying to help you."

"Help me how? By freaking me out?" Stiles stood up on unsteady legs. Isaac was instantly by his side holding his arm for support.

"By shielding you. By wrapping you in protection." Deaton said calmly.

"Yeah or it was trying to eat him." Isaac muttered unimpressed.

Stiles looked between them and blinked. So... the creepy magic tree stump was either trying to protect him... or eat him... great. That wasn't confusing or anything.

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